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* Tikvah Family (Sunday)

ዛምብሮኛ ጆቫኒ (ዛምቤ) የትውልድ ስፍራው ቄለም ወለጋ ደንቢዶሎ ከተማ ሲሆን በመካኒካል ኢንጂነሪንግ ከሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አጠናቋል።

በ2010 ዓ/ም ባጋጠመው የጤና እክል ሁለቱም ኩላሊቱ ስራ በማቆማቸው ላለፉት 3 ዓመት በጳውሎስ ሆስፒታል እና በግሩም ሆስፒታል የኩላሊት እጥበት ህክምና ላይ ቆይቷል።

የኩላሊት እጥበቱ ዘላቂ መፍትሄ ሊያመጣ ስላልቻለ የኩላሊት ንቅለተከላ ማድረግ የግድ ሆኗል። ለንቅለ ተከላው ከሀገር ውጭ መሄድ ግዴታ በመሆኑ ውድ የቲክቫህ አባላት እንደወትሮ እንድንተጋገዘ ጥሪ እናቀርባለን።

የባንክ አካውንት ፦

- ንግድ ባንክ 1000369201364
- አዋሽ ባንክ 01320889056500
- ኦሮሚያ ህብረት ስራ ባንክ 1011800003186

(አብይ ቶሌራ ጆቫኒ እና ዋጋሪ ባህሩ)


መልዕክታችሁን @tikvahmagBot አስቀምጡ።
Forwarded from Talk About Her💃
#ቀን 3

ዋጋዬ ስንት ነው?

አሁንማ ተለመደ እኮ በየቦታው የልግዛሽ ጥያቄ። ሰውም አይ ይሄማ እኮ ራስሽ ለራስሽ ያወጣሽው ተመን ነው ይለኝ ጀምሯል። መቼ ጠየቁኝ እና ነው ዋጋዬን ? እኔን እነሱ የሚያመጡት ገንዘብ ይገዛኛል? የነሱ ምድራዊ ቁስ ከኔ አካል ጋር ይነፃፀራል? በምን ልኬት?እነዚህ አካልሽን ልግዛ ሚሉኝ እኮ ናቸው በአዕምሮዬ ልጠቀም መንገዱን ክፈቱልኝ ስላቸው እንዴት ሆኖ የሚሉኝ።ቀንቶኝ እንኳን ትንሽ ለመጓዝ ብሞክር መሰናክሎችን ነው የሚያበዙብኝ።የእውነት ለኔ አስበው ከሆነ ልግዛሽ ከሚሉኝ አነሱ የደረሱበት እንድደርስ ለምን አይመሩኝም። ለገላዬ የሚያወጡትን ተመን ለምን የማስበውን ወደተግባር እንዳመጣ በር መክፈቻ አያደርጉትም? ለነገሩ እኮ ህልሜን መቼ ጠይቀውኝ ኧረ እንደውም ከእነሱ ገንዘብ ውጪ ህልምም ያለኝ አይመስላቸው።አስቡት እስኪ እንዴት ተፈጣሪው ከፈጣሪው በላይ ይሆናል?ገንዘቡ እኮ አኛ አንድንገለገልበት አኛው የሰራነው ነው እና እኔን አንዴት አውርደው ቢያስቡኝ ነው አብሪያቸው በጋር በሰራነው ወረቀት ሊለውጡኝ ያሰቡት ።
ዋጋዬ ቁስ አይደለም!
ዋጋዬ ገንዘብ አይደለም!
ዋጋዬ ምድራዊ አይደለም!
የምሸጥም አይደለሁም!

ቅድስት አያሌው
Forwarded from Setaweet (ሴታዊት)
Periods don’t stop for pandemics - it’s every girl’s right to manage her period safely and with dignity.

Every year May 28 is marked as Menstual hygiene day because the average menstrual cycle for most women is 28 days and the menustration period for most women is 5 days. Hence, the date is kept as 28/5.

#MenstruationMatters #MHDay2021
Forwarded from Hakim
" 'ወንድ ጥላ ☂️ አይዝም' ብሎ በዝናብ ተደብድቦ ታሞ ሚመጣ patient'ም አለ 🙄😏" - ዶ/ር ናሆም ግሩም

Forwarded from Yanchi movement

Mercedes Mirabal, Mara Argentina. Minerva Mirabal and Antonia Mara Teresa Mirabal were murdered in the Dominican Republic on November 25, 1960. Since 1981, women right’s activists have observed a day against gender-based violence. They chose November 25th in honor of three Mirabal sisters. November 25th marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. The UN General Assembly established November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on December 17, 1999. This initiative will culminate on December 10th, Human Rights Day.

- Why color orange ?
The color orange is adopted as the color of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The color orange represents a brighter future free of violence against women and girls. This year's global campaign theme is "ORANGE THE WORLD: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW".

Forwarded from Yanchi movement

Violence against women is still a pervasive and chronic violation of human rights. One in every three women globally is subjected to physical or sexual violence, the majority of which is perpetrated by an intimate partner. Globally, 35% of women and girls will be subjected to physical and/or sexual violence. In certain nations, the figures are closer to 70%. Women account for nearly half of all human trafficking victims worldwide. Around the world, 650 million women and girls are compelled to marry before the age of 18. In 30 nations, 200 million women and girls have had female genital mutilation.
Many women and girls who are subjected to violent actions do not seek help. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women promotes awareness about a persistent human rights issue. Along with raising awareness, this day aims to break the silence, stigma, and shame that surrounds violence.

#orangetheworld #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Genderequality
Forwarded from Yanchi movement

Violence is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. Other definitions are also used, such as the World Health Organization's definition of violence as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation. Gender-based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. It is rooted in gender inequality, the abuse of power and harmful norms. GBV can include sexual, physical, mental and economic harm inflicted in public or private. This can take many forms such as intimate partner violence, child marriage and so-called 'honour crimes'.

#orangetheworld #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Genderequality
Forwarded from Yanchi movement
Gender based violence is itself a manifestation of Human's right violation of discrimination based on sex. Accordingly, several human rights instruments, declarations, and pronouncements such as UNDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, and other regional human rights instruments were adopted to give protection of human rights and to provide special protection for women and girls. Then, the CEDAW convention was also adopted. In order to better protect the rights of women, Ethiopia has undertaken significant ‘gender-sensitive’ legislative reforms in the last decade.

The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE Constitution, 1995), contains a number of rights which have direct relevance to the right of women to be protected. Specific rights of women in article 35, inter alias, include equal protection of the law, equality in marital affairs, entitlement to affirmative measures, protection from harmful traditional practices, maternity rights in employment, the right to consultation, property rights, employment rights, and access to family planning information, etc. Moreover, the constitution has recognized the fundamental rights directly related to the right to protection of the security of persons and the prohibition against inhuman treatment.

Subsequent to the FDRE Constitution, other more specific and gender-sensitive laws were issued in the country. Some of these improvements are those rules that require respect, support, assistance, and fidelity between spouses, and one that mandates joint management of the family protected under Revised Family Law, 2000: articles 49, 50, and 56. The criminal law also addresses violence against women in different forms: by introducing new offences, by redefining the elements of these offences, by adding aggravating circumstances, and by revising the penalties applicable in cases of violation. Accordingly, the code criminalizes most forms of violence against women and girls, including rape.

#orangetheworld #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Genderequality
Forwarded from Yanchi movement
Day 5
What are people's opinions on gender based violence?
Ato Temesgen Kebede, Director of the Student Service Directorate at Hawassa University, spoke with us about this topic.
Q. What does gender based violence mean?
A. Any form of violence against either sex without their consent and without their will. In this regard, violence has a significant impact on the survivor, particularly in higher education institutions. Which are mental, bodily, and dream-related issues.
Q. How to prevent?
A. By maintaining positive relationships with the campus community and disclosing any issues they encounter and students must also break free from drug addiction.
Q. Was there a case you have dealt with?
A. Yes at least two or three cases
Q. What can the campus community do to prevent this issue?
A. We should take them into account in our work, and provide trainings to raise awareness and encourage women to participate in extracurricular activities.

#orangetheworld #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Genderequality
Forwarded from Yanchi movement
Day 6
What do parents think about GBV?
💁‍♂Ato Melkamu Lemma
Q. Please tell us about GBV briefly?
👉 Historically GBV considered as a culture but it is inhuman thing to do on female whom we call our sister, mother and a wife.
Q. Have you ever faced a story in your living area and what was the situation?
👉 Because of my profession I have encountered many cases. Especially there were survivors who have assaulted by their close family and I also gave medical reports on this matter. Most of the time, those who engaged in sexual harassment were older persons who have their own families.
Q. What should the society do to prevent this from happening?
👉 This is a subject that the society should handle on its own. The origins of this violence can be traced back to our own culture and way of life, as well as the movies and videos we consume, particularly the proliferation of pornographic films and drug addiction. Even if we don't get to cease violence, we can at least make it less.

💁‍♀W/o Rahel Getachew
Q. What does GBV means to you?
Gender based violence is all about violence against men and women both.
Q. What is the obligation of the society?
🙅‍♀The society should not cooperate with criminals who engage in such activities and should report any such incidents if they occur.
👉They should also live in a safe environment, which is everyone's duty.
👉We must all think of the survivors as our own because something similar could happen to our children one day.
Q. What do you think is the solution?
💁‍♀The law should give adequate justice to all and give lesson to the criminals
👉Because everyone is equal in God's eyes, no one can make or feel them less.
#orangetheworld #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Genderequality
Forwarded from Big Dream Ethiopia (YasInn)
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