There is nothing Outside of yourself That can ever enable you To get better, stronger, richer, Quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing Outside of yourself. Ⓡ
You learn who you are by unlearning what they taught you to be. Ⓡ
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I hear people tell me that they lose faith, that they feel like they can't go one step further. Ⓡ
Where else do you want to go?
Are you awake. You know the truth.
We simply have no choice but to move on.
Complaining about the difficulties of the road will get you nowhere.
In the best stories, the heroes usually overcome the most terrible odds.
The amount of pain they've been through tells me the joy will be that much sweeter in the end.
Don't forget the joy that will come, but don't try to run away either.
Let your faith shine when the world seems darkest.
This is your moment. Ⓡ
Where else do you want to go?
Are you awake. You know the truth.
We simply have no choice but to move on.
Complaining about the difficulties of the road will get you nowhere.
In the best stories, the heroes usually overcome the most terrible odds.
The amount of pain they've been through tells me the joy will be that much sweeter in the end.
Don't forget the joy that will come, but don't try to run away either.
Let your faith shine when the world seems darkest.
This is your moment.
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Step into the fire of self~discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not. Ⓡ
Finding and transforming the primary trauma makes life easier. Ⓡ Our task is to find the initial situation, the first feeling that started the whole chain, the so~called root cause.
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Not everyone lives at the same level in terms of spiritual development, willpower and self~dedication. Not everyone sees that the deification of the self, both in individual and social life, results in a suffering~generating bankruptcy. Nor is it a problem that not everyone sees it in the same way! After all, we do not need saints! We need aspiring people who see the current sad situation and are prepared to step up to the plate. People who, even if they cannot today live perfectly in the conditions of the man of tomorrow, want it and strive for it day after day, regardless of their minor or major setbacks. Will and purity always win in the long run. Ⓡ
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Sometimes we are just collateral damage in the war of others against themselves... Ⓡ
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I love his silence.
His silence is my heart’s pole~star.
I love his voice.
His voice is my life’s only nectar.
I love his smile.
His smile is my divinity’s life.
I love his love.
His love is my eternity’s All. Ⓡ
His silence is my heart’s pole~star.
I love his voice.
His voice is my life’s only nectar.
I love his smile.
His smile is my divinity’s life.
I love his love.
His love is my eternity’s All. Ⓡ
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You can be happy too.
It's not that hard.
Just imagine a Child smiling at you!
You can see The Child smiling at you.
To your surprise, you're already happy.
It's not that hard.
Just imagine a Child smiling at you!
You can see The Child smiling at you.
To your surprise, you're already happy.
Right now fear, doubt, anxiety, tension and disharmony are reigning supreme. But there shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace. Who is going to bring about that radical change? It will be you: you and your sisters and brothers, who are an extension of your reality~existence. It will be you and your oneness~heart, which is spread throughout the length and breadth of the world. Peace is unity. Peace is oneness, within and without. @theneighbours2021Ⓡ
The growth of our abilities is only possible if we don't cry about our weak abilities. Life is not a rigid, unchanging process. Everything, indeed everything, is always changing. We change, of course, and if we want to achieve more good abilities and qualities, we must not regard our current situation as rigid and unchanging, even if it is evidence of our poor equipment. In such cases, we must move forward and enthusiastically celebrate our broader capabilities, even if they are not yet obvious to us. We should certainly rejoice in the higher capacity that is not yet visible. In so doing, we not only open the door to new abilities, but hasten their coming. Ⓡ
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Wisdom is the mask behind which the philosopher hides from the truth of truths, there is no absolute truth, only individual truths, no comprehensible knowledge, only interpretations. Man is like a metal. Only by smashing the ore, repeatedly melting and purifying it, constantly destroying and recreating, can it be hardened and develop its full potential to become the sword or work of art that it is meant to be. Ⓡ
There are two ways to illumine anger. One way is to enlarge your heart. If you have been wronged, use your power of identification. Feel that it is you yourself, or an extended part of your own consciousness, that has done the wrong thing. The sooner you can rid yourself of the idea that somebody else has done something to you, the better off you will be.
The second way is to think of perfecting yourself. When you stop thinking of perfecting others and only care for your own aspiration, you will be liberated from anger. Instead of looking around to see who is obstructing you or standing in your way, just pay all attention to your own self~discovery. When you have discovered your true self, you will see that there is nobody imperfect on earth. Everybody is perfect in you. Ⓡ
The second way is to think of perfecting yourself. When you stop thinking of perfecting others and only care for your own aspiration, you will be liberated from anger. Instead of looking around to see who is obstructing you or standing in your way, just pay all attention to your own self~discovery. When you have discovered your true self, you will see that there is nobody imperfect on earth. Everybody is perfect in you. Ⓡ
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Be sincere in your thoughts, be pure in your feelings. You will not have to run after happiness, happiness will run after you. @theneighbours2021Ⓡ
Life is going to work out perfectly.
All the right things are going to happen. All the right people are going to come, and all the wrong people are going to leave. You're going to have a beautiful home that brings you peace, and you're going to have a dynamic career that gives you purpose. You're going to wake up next to the love of your life and spill sweet words over morning coffee. You're going to have slow Sundays and wholesome holidays. Your art is going to be impactful and you're going to be recognized for your devotion. You're going to travel and see the world and you're going to encounter incredible people along the way. You're going to be seen for who you are and appreciated for all that you do.
Don't worry so much my friend, life is going to work out perfectly. Ⓡ
All the right things are going to happen. All the right people are going to come, and all the wrong people are going to leave. You're going to have a beautiful home that brings you peace, and you're going to have a dynamic career that gives you purpose. You're going to wake up next to the love of your life and spill sweet words over morning coffee. You're going to have slow Sundays and wholesome holidays. Your art is going to be impactful and you're going to be recognized for your devotion. You're going to travel and see the world and you're going to encounter incredible people along the way. You're going to be seen for who you are and appreciated for all that you do.
Don't worry so much my friend, life is going to work out perfectly. Ⓡ
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Feel rich before the wealth arrives.
Feel loved before the relationship shows up.
Feel gratitude before the blessing pours in.
The physical representation of the good feeling may come later, but the good feeling can be experienced right now. Ⓡ
Feel loved before the relationship shows up.
Feel gratitude before the blessing pours in.
The physical representation of the good feeling may come later, but the good feeling can be experienced right now. Ⓡ
Look in the mirror, find a happy person in it and keep that mood for the whole day @theneighbours2021Ⓡ
At a quantum level, your environment is your attitude. What all of this means is that you can never be a victim of your DNA. Neither can you be a victim of fate. You can only be a victim of your attitude. @theneighbours2021Ⓡ