Last Update:
Brian Cates @drawandstrike
There are only 2 possibilities when Rience Priebus says to @GenFlynn that he and others were shown a document by then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy AG Sally Yates that showed Flynn discussing sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Because the actual transcripts of the phone calls **clearly show Flynn never discussed any sanctions**...
1. McCabe and Yates showed Priebus and others a FAKE DOCUMENT that made a false claim
2. Priebus is not telling the truth when he told Flynn he and others [presumably Trump and Pence among them] were shown such a document by McCabe and Yates.
I am **really hoping** once @PamBondi is running the DOJ and @Kash_Patel is in charge of the FBI, SOMEBODY can get to the bottom of this.
Since this mythical 'Logan Act violation' was the impetus for Flynn's firing and then his more than 3 years prosecution by the FBI/DOJ/Mueller Special Counsel for supposedly lying to federal agents about discussing those sanctions, and this supposed document was flashed around to justify Flynn's firing, whether or not it ACTUALLY EXISTS is a very important question.
Somebody not only had to engage in a federal crime by leaking classified intelligence transcripts of the Flynn/Kislyak phone calls...
So somebody - we still don't know who - was forced to get EXCEEDINGLY CLEVER here to present the **appearance** that Flynn had discussed sanctions with Kislyak when in fact, he hadn't.
So the criminal leak of the classified transcripts is COMPOUNDED by criminal manufacture of a fake 'crime' to prosecute Flynn for:
Supposedly lying to two FBI agents about sanctions when it is now an uncontestable matter of PUBLIC RECORD that Flynn did not lie to them.
I will not leave this alone. Someone is going to end up paying for both the criminal leak and the false accusation that wasn't even in the leaked transcripts.