Forwarded from Husbands and Fathers [Join Here]
By watching porn you support feminism. Because porn leads to contraception, promiscuity and indecent dressing, all main features of feminism. It also weakens you, which takes away from your natural leadership position and makes you follow women while chasing sex and approval rather than getting closer to God and leading others towards God, this forces women in leadership, feminism again. You wouldn't want your daughter in porn, so why do you watch other people's daughters in porn? Porn portrays women as physical objects for profit, rather than loving mothers and wives, is this different from female careerism? Don't be weak and effeminate, have integrity, if you don't want to follow women, and be a covert feminist, get rid of porn and promiscuity.
Forwarded from Husbands and Fathers [Join Here]
Reminder to not be shy when talking to people about your goals, don't hide this away, your friends, family and woman need to know what direction you want to go, and which direction you are heading towards.
Maximising one's attention span
I will start including more dopamine detox motivation in the coming months. Not being addicted to a screen is one of the most important things we must teach and preach about. You can't be a good husband or a father if you are addicted to a screen and constantly distracted. To be the best you must do hard and boring things all the time, endless scrolling and tiktok will only make the boring and hard things more boring and hard, and therefore less likely to be completed. At home a man should also seek to give as much attention as he can to the family, if a man is addicted to his phone he will not be able to do this, his relationship with his wife will suffer, and he will miss out on precious time with his kids. In short, the more offline you are the better. On the flip side, online posts can motivate and encourage people, some posts can be fun and informative, but one has to scroll and absorb all of the bad effects of phone use to find them. Therefore in the coming weeks on my channel I will do these things to help men free themselves from the digital tyranny of comfort:
- More reminders and encouragement to be offline.
- All my posts will be posted at the same hour every morning, this way one can just see them at once and not have to keep coming back to see if anything new has been uploaded.
- I will encourage people to be phone free over the weekend, I will write posts and reminders promoting all the things a man can do if he minimises his phone use.
I know this is probably counter-intuitive to the growth of my channel, but I want to test it out. After all, this channel is about helping men become the best husbands and fathers they can, and yes, a phone doesn't help.
I will start including more dopamine detox motivation in the coming months. Not being addicted to a screen is one of the most important things we must teach and preach about. You can't be a good husband or a father if you are addicted to a screen and constantly distracted. To be the best you must do hard and boring things all the time, endless scrolling and tiktok will only make the boring and hard things more boring and hard, and therefore less likely to be completed. At home a man should also seek to give as much attention as he can to the family, if a man is addicted to his phone he will not be able to do this, his relationship with his wife will suffer, and he will miss out on precious time with his kids. In short, the more offline you are the better. On the flip side, online posts can motivate and encourage people, some posts can be fun and informative, but one has to scroll and absorb all of the bad effects of phone use to find them. Therefore in the coming weeks on my channel I will do these things to help men free themselves from the digital tyranny of comfort:
- More reminders and encouragement to be offline.
- All my posts will be posted at the same hour every morning, this way one can just see them at once and not have to keep coming back to see if anything new has been uploaded.
- I will encourage people to be phone free over the weekend, I will write posts and reminders promoting all the things a man can do if he minimises his phone use.
I know this is probably counter-intuitive to the growth of my channel, but I want to test it out. After all, this channel is about helping men become the best husbands and fathers they can, and yes, a phone doesn't help.
Don't think that your wife will automatically become submissive and pleasant just because you tick a few boxes. As the head of the family, you must constantly teach her the value of being loving, humble, co-operative, affectionate and selfless. Do this through being all of those things, and then telling her how important they are.
To give your family strength you need to set its direction, you actively need to coach and encourage your family members. You need to sell your ideas and convince all of your family, starting with your wife.
Focus on the virtues, on attaining them, and on verbally transmitting them to others. Virtues such as: humility, patience, forgiveness, love, gratitude, kindness, diligence, joy and self-control can transform an average family to one of the greatest families of all time.
Focus on the virtues, on attaining them, and on verbally transmitting them to others. Virtues such as: humility, patience, forgiveness, love, gratitude, kindness, diligence, joy and self-control can transform an average family to one of the greatest families of all time.