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So I was just informed on YouTube comments that God has set the original Hebrew and Greek aside and is now using the KJV as the gold standard. This is a fairy tale that actually hurts the well-deserved reputation of the KJV.
Jesus Christ is the One Who took the punishment for us and washed us clean in the blood of the Lamb. He loosed the fetters that enchained us. As the Alpha and Omega He is the eternal Son, Who is the Firstborn of the dead. He broke, forever, sin enslavement and set the captives free once and for all, and Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds as the rightful Judge of the earth ~ and at the name of JESUS every knee will one day bow.

Praise God that we can trust Him today and forever, for He alone is worthy.

Carli • Saved by Grace
In these increasingly violent days in which we live, let us take the words of James to heart, relying on the pure wisdom of God to lead and instruct us, enabling us to produce good fruit, being considerate, sincere, merciful, impartial, and peace~loving. Let us occupy until He comes, telling out the glorious truth of the gospel of salvation, with gentleness and respect to all we meet: "Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."

Carli • Saved by Grace
If you take prophecy literally, especially the book of Revelation, you observe two things at the core of the future tribulation. ONE, the world's hatred for Israel, for Jerusalem, for the Jews. TWO, God baring his right arm to purify, protect, defend, and bless his chosen people.
Join Lee & Pablo live tonight at 7:30pm CENTRAL
Let us never forget that we have a blessed hope in Christ and full assurance that we will one day be clothed with a new, immortal, resurrected body; our eternal dwelling place from heaven, and we will be like unto Christ. Today, we certainly do groan in this deteriorating earthly body and long to be clothed with our promised dwelling from heaven, but until that day, let us occupy until the Lord calls us to be with Himself, for the praise and glory of His holy name.

Carli • Saved by Grace
"Add to your faith, virtue" (2 Pet. 1:5). Without courage, bravery, and valor, your faith will limp along like a sick turtle. Where do such traits come from? From the word and the Spirit through prayer and faith.
God is the One Who multiplies the seeds we sow, to bring forth much fruit; some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred~fold. He has promised to abundantly bless and liberally multiply the work of our hand which is carried out in spirit and truth so that by grace we will bring forth a fruitful harvest of righteousness which will enrich our lives and bring great glory to Him.

Carli • Saved by Grace
We chose the lesser of two evils in the past election. Now we get many things we voted for AND we get expedited AI supercomputing, expedited mRNA research, expedited social surveillance, expedited digital currency, expedited digital IDs and passports. In short, expedited globalism.
Let us read through this beautiful Psalm of David, and recognise that the life of the unborn is given as a sacred trust, and that God is sovereign over all living things ~ and let us give Him all the praise and glory for the wonder of life.

Carli • Saved by Grace
We are saved by grace through faith and not destined for wrath, because we believe on Christ. We are forgiven of all our sin because Christ took the punishment in place of us. We are not destined for wrath because CHRIST took the full force of the wrath of God on Himself instead of it being poured out on us. God's accumulated anger and wrath against your sin and mine was placed on Christ Jesus on Calvary's Cross. We are not destined to have God's wrath poured out on us, because we trusted in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ as the payment for our sin. God has not destined us for wrath but to obtain salvation through Christ.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Many stumble over 1 Cor. 11:28-30 and the warning that if men partake of communion unworthily, there can be a cost, even physical sickness.

The principal goes beyond the mere formalities of partaking of communion in formal settings. It goes into the full spectrum of discerning the Lord's body. If we understand that we are HIS body, then we have a heart not to be cancer cells or poison in his body. Men who don't walk in this exercise put themselves under discipline, which can become quite severe if they don't repent of introducing cancer or poison in the body. The Lord will use whatever medicines or procedures are necessary to maintain the spiritual health of HIS body.
I have been informed that my YouTube messages are being translated into Chinese and being used in China. Praise the Lord! I have also heard reports that they are being used in Thailand.
May we live, day by day, in spirit and truth and endeavour to carry out the good works that God has prepared for us to do... by His grace, in His power, and for His glory. Let us seek to live godly lives, not living in our own fleshly strength or for our own honour and praise. May we all hear the voice of our Saviour say to each one of us, "well done, good and faithful servant," as we enter fully into His wonderful joy.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Don't live for the praise of men. Live for "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
May we not only read and learn God's Word, but apply it in our lives when we are persecuted for righteousness' sake, exposed to false doctrine, or tempted to stop trusting our Heavenly Father. May we also be quick to obey the godly instructions we find in Paul's epistles so that we will not be shaken in mind or troubled in spirit by some aberrant teaching or concerning
May we stand firm on the Rock of our salvation; rejoicing in the Lord, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in everything ~ knowing that such a mindset will remain steadfast and immovable.

Carli • Saved by Grace
Over and over again, I see discernment ministries and internet teachers using the word "heresy" for errors that do not concern the foundational truths of the Christian faith. When you paint the errors you oppose as blacker than they are, you do wrong to the body of Christ and the truth, and you give yourself a black eye.
“The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are at opposite sides of the same coin.” ~ A. W. Tozer
2025/02/04 21:10:48
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