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The discovery of a Bell Beaker Burial, Porlock, Somerset, England in 1896. The early Indo-European grave dates to 2400-2000 BC
My Icelandic friend thinks all Anglos evolve into Norf fc and he sent me this to show what I will look like
Forwarded from Paul Waggener Official
“Throughout my 30 years of working with the runes, they have taken on various aspects depending on who I was and what I was doing at the time. The best way I can try to explain them is almost as their own organisms that live symbiotically with the individual who has chosen to “take them up.”

Advisors, sages, teachers - but also sometimes potent forces of upheaval and reorganization, acting almost like a powerful hallucinogen can, to forcibly show a different perspective that may at first feel completely foreign or uncomfortable.

At other times, they seem to be like trees planted on the estate. They grow, spread root and leaf widely, and spring from small seeds, become saplings, and eventually, mighty giants that we have grown alongside and know by name and appearance, as well as the countless layers of experience we have with them.

Like the rings of a tree, the rune is a series of many circles, concentric, expanding, leading us wider and wider and then back in to the heart. They are repositories of deep, hidden information, as well as storage vessels of things that we do not wish to forget…”

From my upcoming program “Hamingja: A Runic Program of Life Reform.”
In this video I put forward my beliefs about Odin and Galdr. I do not think that Odin got galdra from the waters of memory via Mimmir although it is tempting to see Mimir as his unnamed uncle, rather i think he got galdra from his uncle while hanging on Yggdrasil. It is possible his uncle also gave him the runes. Runes and galdra are related in an obscure way which I explain here.
Forwarded from Harrowman Ealdham
Happy Solmōnaþ!

The name was recorded by the Christian Anglo-Saxon scholar Bede in his treatise De temporum ratione (The Reckoning of Time), saying that "Sol-Monath can be said to be the month of cakes, which were offered to their Gods"

In Old English, “Sol” is mostly used to refer to soil or mud. Implying that this month is sacred to the Earth-Mother Goddess.
However, this could only be one of the meanings of the word in this context. “Sol” is also believed to mean “cake” and can perhaps be linked to the English custom known as souling. In this tradition one would go house to house and sing songs where the guests would be gifted “soul cakes” in exchange for prayers. This tradition is usually credited to be Christian, but as with most Christian traditions, this one may indeed be Pagan.

So be sure to give an offering of cakes to the Earth-Mother.
Bede tells us that the second moon of the Anglo-Saxon heathen year was called Solmōnaþ meaning “Sun month”. This marks the returning power of the sun goddess known in English as Sunne and in Norse as Sól and explains the Old English word for Lent, Lencten which means “lengthening” in reference to the lengthening of the days at this time of year.
Bede wrote that Sol month was the month of flat cakes which the heathen English gave in offering to their gods - presumably to Sunne specifically. These round sun cakes became the English Christian tradition of pancake day celebrated at the start of Lent.
Forwarded from Æhtemen
Interesting piece showing Woden wearing a headdress similar to figures from the Sutton Hoo finds. I cannot find much information about this archaeological find (?) apart from it is said to be dated to the 6th-7th century.
Raven fylfot ring - Gothic
Near Lejre, Denmark A fragment from one of Scandinavia's most magnificent helmets emerged from the ground in 2024. The fragment is gold-plated and decorated with red gemstones,  and comes from the period from the end of the 7th century to the middle of the 8th century, just before the start of the Viking Age. Photo: Kristian Grøndahl

It resembles the brows on helmets from Anglo-Saxon England and Vendel era Sweden
Forwarded from TheBeakerLady
Yamnaya reconstruction by Nechvaloda
“burial 5, mound I (Nizhnyaya Orlyanka). Pit culture 3600-2300 BC
Source: Bogachev A. V. Kuznetsov A. V. Khokhlov A. A. Veneds: Indo-European context. Samara, 2022. S. 115.”
Would you rather i broke up my iceland documentary into smaller videos about different sagas/locations?
Anonymous Poll
One long doc
Several shorter docs
A new paper on Goth and Suebians in Iberia. Suebian elites in Spain show almost entirely Northern European ancestry (92-95%). 14 Visigoth burial samples had greater than 80% Northwest European Ancestry (3 of which were full NW Euro). There were also 27 samples with mixed NW Euro and Iberian ancestry. Dates from 4-6th century.

The Germanics did not leave a genetic legacy in Iberia though
A Merovingian era amber bird pendant discovered in 2013 on the Baltic shore of Germany near Rostock. The runic inscription may be read as "FRAUA"
2025/02/19 20:24:45

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