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There is hardly a house in Gaza-Palestine without a martyr

There are also families who have been embracing martyrdom for four generations by sacrificing their lives

Yesterday in Tel Aviv, the young Fidayeen Mujahid Muhammad Musk killed 7 Jewish soldiers and wounded 16 Jews.

Today, Kataib-ul-Qassam paid homage to this dedicated Mujahid and said that

The father of this young mujahid, Raed al-Mask, had carried out a counter attack in Israel in 2003, in which 20 Jews were killed and 150 Jews were injured.

Father is also a devoted mujahid and martyr

The son is also a fidai mujahid and a martyr

Such families are not sacrificing their lives for Palestine

May the Beloved of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, offer his blood for the ascension of the First Qibla of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the freedom of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

May Allah raise the ranks of these martyrs and grant freedom to Palestine soon
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How Gaza Sniper Shooters Mujahideen Blow Off the Skulls of Jewish Soldiers

Watch this 9 minute video

And cool your eyes

This Mujahid of Gaza who is fearlessly fighting with the enemy

How many Mujahideen of Gaza have their limbs amputated in the battlefield

But they are still fighting with the Jews on the battlefield

سورة الكهف
حمزة أبو قينص
سورة الكهف بصوت الشهيد القسّامي حمزة أبو قينص
Media is too big
يحيى السنوار💔


الله يتقبلك يا قائدنا

How this era will bring back those kind of people
truly the era is quite closefisted for those sort of humans

Media is too big
By God, even if I have only wood, I will jihad against you

This was said by Syedna Umar Farooq

And Yahya Al-Sinwar Shaheed fought till his last breath in the battlefield

By following the command of Hazrat Umar, he proved that

The blood running through our veins

We will never bow our necks before the oppressor
سلاماً يا يحيى السنوار
عبد المجيد عريقات
الأنشودة : سلاماً يا يحيى السنوار

الإهداء : الشهيد القائد أبو إبراهيم يحيى السنوار

ٹائم: 01/52
Israeli media report that an autopsy on the body of leader Yahya Al-Sinwar revealed he had not eaten anything in the last 72 hours before his martyrdom.

Yahyah Alsinwar was a real hero of this era 💖

May Allah grant him highest rank in jannah

2025/03/07 02:17:33
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