We've prepared a zine version of our text "It’s Safer in the Front."
Please print these out and distribute them in your community!
“Counterintuitive though it is, in a confusing situation, often the best—if not safest—place to be is the front lines, so you can see what is going on around you.” 🏴
Please print these out and distribute them in your community!
“Counterintuitive though it is, in a confusing situation, often the best—if not safest—place to be is the front lines, so you can see what is going on around you.” 🏴
Il giorno in cui i migranti si ribellarono
Ricordando lo sciopero generale del Primo Maggio 2006
Nel 2006, gli studenti di tutti gli Stati Uniti si sono impegnati in scioperi spontanei per protestare contro la repressione dei clandestini, culminati il primo giorno di maggio nel famoso sciopero generale del XXI secolo.
Ricordando lo sciopero generale del Primo Maggio 2006
Nel 2006, gli studenti di tutti gli Stati Uniti si sono impegnati in scioperi spontanei per protestare contro la repressione dei clandestini, culminati il primo giorno di maggio nel famoso sciopero generale del XXI secolo.
People have begun demonstrating at Tesla outlets against the agenda of Elon Musk and other tech billionaires who are seeking to consolidate power under Donald Trump.
Some have held signs and chanted outside dealerships. Some have created disruptions inside.
A Tesla dealership in Loveland, Colorado has been vandalized three times in the past three months, with red spray paint across the windshields and broken glass in the lot.
Last year, in Germany, some anarchists blocked the expansion of the Tesla Gigafactory by occupying the adjacent forest; other anarchists used direct action to shut down power supply to the factory.
Musk and his cronies are concentrating power in their hands through the market as well as through the apparatus of the state. In both of those contexts, the cards are stacked against us. They hope we will remain passive as they exploit us and profit at our expense.
But it is a mistake to be passive.
Some have held signs and chanted outside dealerships. Some have created disruptions inside.
A Tesla dealership in Loveland, Colorado has been vandalized three times in the past three months, with red spray paint across the windshields and broken glass in the lot.
Last year, in Germany, some anarchists blocked the expansion of the Tesla Gigafactory by occupying the adjacent forest; other anarchists used direct action to shut down power supply to the factory.
Musk and his cronies are concentrating power in their hands through the market as well as through the apparatus of the state. In both of those contexts, the cards are stacked against us. They hope we will remain passive as they exploit us and profit at our expense.
But it is a mistake to be passive.
El lugar más seguro es en la primera línea
Tomando la Iniciativa Contra la Tiranía
Ante la intensificación de la represión y la violencia estatal, existe una comprensible tendencia a buscar la seguridad evitando la confrontación. Pero ésta no siempre es la estrategia más eficaz.
Tomando la Iniciativa Contra la Tiranía
Ante la intensificación de la represión y la violencia estatal, existe una comprensible tendencia a buscar la seguridad evitando la confrontación. Pero ésta no siempre es la estrategia más eficaz.
Over thirty years of movement history, analysis, strategy, philosophy, and arts from all around the world are archived on our site for the benefit of the general public.
Not to mention instructive how-to guides covering everything from protest safety to disaster preparedness, and full-length documentaries from the high points of various popular movements, and narratives—and interviews—and audiobooks—and several hundred zines and posters—and much more.
All free.
We've recently updated the introductory reading lists on our Library page for your convenience. Enjoy!
Not to mention instructive how-to guides covering everything from protest safety to disaster preparedness, and full-length documentaries from the high points of various popular movements, and narratives—and interviews—and audiobooks—and several hundred zines and posters—and much more.
All free.
We've recently updated the introductory reading lists on our Library page for your convenience. Enjoy!
Eight Things You Can Do to Stop ICE
We've produced a guide detailing many different ways you can act to prevent ICE from tearing families apart and terrorizing your community.
This is also available as a PDF for printing. Please circulate these widely!
We've produced a guide detailing many different ways you can act to prevent ICE from tearing families apart and terrorizing your community.
This is also available as a PDF for printing. Please circulate these widely!
Informes de las Fiestas de la Resistencia / Día del Defensor del Bosque
El 18 de enero es el Día del Defensor de los Bosques, en honor a la vida de Manuel «Tortuguita» Terán, que fue asesinado por policías del estado de Georgia hace dos años mientras protestaba por la construcción de Cop City en Atlanta, y de todas las personasque han dado su vida en la lucha contra quienes quieren hacer inhabitable la tierra en su afán de lucro. Este año, se ha hecho un llamamiento a la gente para que organice festivales de resistencia en sus comunidades el fin de semana del 17 al 19 de enero. Aquí compartimos informes de algunos de estos eventos.
El 18 de enero es el Día del Defensor de los Bosques, en honor a la vida de Manuel «Tortuguita» Terán, que fue asesinado por policías del estado de Georgia hace dos años mientras protestaba por la construcción de Cop City en Atlanta, y de todas las personasque han dado su vida en la lucha contra quienes quieren hacer inhabitable la tierra en su afán de lucro. Este año, se ha hecho un llamamiento a la gente para que organice festivales de resistencia en sus comunidades el fin de semana del 17 al 19 de enero. Aquí compartimos informes de algunos de estos eventos.
The Students Walk Out in Los Angeles: A Report from the Streets
In the opening weeks of Donald Trump’s second presidency, some of the fiercest expressions of defiance have come from the communities that Trump is threatening to attack. In Los Angeles, students have engaged in weeks of walkouts and other protests against the mass deportations Trump has promised. This points the way to future resistance against every aspect of Trump's agenda.
In the opening weeks of Donald Trump’s second presidency, some of the fiercest expressions of defiance have come from the communities that Trump is threatening to attack. In Los Angeles, students have engaged in weeks of walkouts and other protests against the mass deportations Trump has promised. This points the way to future resistance against every aspect of Trump's agenda.
Otto cose che potete fare per fermare l’ICE
Se non riusciamo a essere solidali con coloro che oggi sono presi di mira dall’Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), la stessa infrastruttura di repressione finirà per essere rivolta anche contro altri. Se colpiscono uno colpiscono tutti!
Fate la vostra parte per sciogliere l’ICE.
Se non riusciamo a essere solidali con coloro che oggi sono presi di mira dall’Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), la stessa infrastruttura di repressione finirà per essere rivolta anche contro altri. Se colpiscono uno colpiscono tutti!
Fate la vostra parte per sciogliere l’ICE.
People around the country are planning demonstrations at Tesla outlets on February 15, protesting the efforts of Elon Musk and Donald Trump to consolidate power in the hands of a billionaire elite.
Others are already calling for follow-up demonstrations on March 1.
Here's a flier you can print and hand out at those demonstrations—or anywhere else—about why this is necessary.
Others are already calling for follow-up demonstrations on March 1.
Here's a flier you can print and hand out at those demonstrations—or anywhere else—about why this is necessary.
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
People around the country are planning demonstrations at Tesla outlets on February 15, protesting the efforts of Elon Musk and Donald Trump to consolidate power in the hands of a billionaire elite. Others are already calling for follow-up demonstrations on…
Depose Trump // Depose Musk
Using the market to exploit us and state violence to control us, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are trying to consolidate power in the hands of a billionaire elite. They want to establish a totalitarian dystopia in which artificial intelligence does away with our livelihoods while killer robots keep us in line. By targeting undocumented people and trans people, they hope to channel anger towards those who are most vulnerable while they get away with murder.
There is no point looking to the Democrats or the court system for help. The Democrats identified Trump as a fascist, then welcomed him into office. Trump already controls the highest court in the land; his lackeys dominate the legislative branch. The only thing that could stop them is widespread resistance.
Get together with the people that you trust. Build networks with others who feel the way you feel. Identify weak points in the ruling order and look for ways to go on the offensive.
When Trump tried to impose the Muslim ban in 2017, thousands blocked airports across the country. When millions filled the streets in 2020, Trump lost. We can’t vote out an unelected authoritarian billionaire, but we can deal with Elon Musk by cutting off his profits at the source. Start with Tesla.
Demonstrate at Tesla outlets on February 15 and March 1, 2025.
Using the market to exploit us and state violence to control us, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are trying to consolidate power in the hands of a billionaire elite. They want to establish a totalitarian dystopia in which artificial intelligence does away with our livelihoods while killer robots keep us in line. By targeting undocumented people and trans people, they hope to channel anger towards those who are most vulnerable while they get away with murder.
There is no point looking to the Democrats or the court system for help. The Democrats identified Trump as a fascist, then welcomed him into office. Trump already controls the highest court in the land; his lackeys dominate the legislative branch. The only thing that could stop them is widespread resistance.
Get together with the people that you trust. Build networks with others who feel the way you feel. Identify weak points in the ruling order and look for ways to go on the offensive.
When Trump tried to impose the Muslim ban in 2017, thousands blocked airports across the country. When millions filled the streets in 2020, Trump lost. We can’t vote out an unelected authoritarian billionaire, but we can deal with Elon Musk by cutting off his profits at the source. Start with Tesla.
Demonstrate at Tesla outlets on February 15 and March 1, 2025.
Depose Trump // Depose Musk
Using the market to exploit us and state violence to control us, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are trying to consolidate power in the hands of a billionaire elite. They want to establish a totalitaria...
Love is a quality of attention, a sensitivity to the world and everything that is possible in it. When we fight on the basis of what we love, rather than in service of ideology or cowardice, we open ourselves to serve as a channel through which everything beautiful in the world can defend itself.
To choose love is to choose to keep feeling the blows when others are under attack—everyone facing felony charges, everyone threatened with deportation, everyone facing water cannons and rubber bullets, all the rivers and animals and plants that sustain us despite all the violence inflicted upon them. Love is not reducible to peace. If you mean it, say it with barricades.
To choose love is to choose to keep feeling the blows when others are under attack—everyone facing felony charges, everyone threatened with deportation, everyone facing water cannons and rubber bullets, all the rivers and animals and plants that sustain us despite all the violence inflicted upon them. Love is not reducible to peace. If you mean it, say it with barricades.