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“And sometimes we do a little gang rape, as a treat.”
“For those who want America to lose for their own personal gain, I have no respect,” says Elon Musk, who wants to flood America with Indians for his own personal gain.
Tristan Tate, a black pimp who is awaiting trial for serious felonies in Romania, says that he’s too cool and rich to join our racist club. (He wasn’t invited.)
Judge Frog’s S’more Cult
Tristan Tate, a black pimp who is awaiting trial for serious felonies in Romania, says that he’s too cool and rich to join our racist club. (He wasn’t invited.)
Arthur Kwon Lee says that racists just don’t have enough love in their lives.

This is a Korean who larps as “based” and makes TikTok videos about the jews. I’ve always found him suspicious. His earrings, clothing and mannerisms strongly suggest that he is a homosexual.
Indians are brazen liars just like jews, but they’re far worse at it.
Elon Musk is deleting a lot of recent posts. I suspect he’s sobering up from whatever drug he’s been binging on, or maybe some PR advisor has given him a talking to. Maybe both.
While I dream of the White Man conquering the stars, SpaceX will not allow us to do this. Its technical advancements will only be used to infect the entire universe with Indians and jews.

This must be prevented by any means necessary, even if it costs us our own survival. The threat must be contained.
2024/12/28 04:36:58
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