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The moon has now entered Lunar mansion 12.

Lunar Mansion 12, Al-Sarfah (The Changer of the Weather)
21° 25' 43'' Leo – 4° 17' 09'' Virgo

Good For
Gardening, agriculture, building. Sending messages. Service and work for others.

I am liking doing affirmations connected to the mansions. Easy to do on the go and brings a good mood.

* Seeds that I sow brings a wealthy harvest.
* I tend to my thoughts like a compassionate gardener.
* I connect to the earth, and the sustenance from the earth nourishes me deeply.
* My messages are clear and well recieved.
* I create value that others enjoy.
* Step by step I build my dream life.
The moon has now entered Lunar mansion 13.

Lunar Mansion 13, Al-Awwa (The Barker)
4° 17' 09'' Virgo – 17° 08' 34'' Virgo

Good For
Love, especially sexual love. Trade and finances. Beginning of creative projects. Traveling. Gardening. Healing. Building. Cutting and washing hair.

So the affirmations I came up with are:
* I am fucking lovable.
* Every day in every way, I am getting sexier and sexier.
* The Sex I have deepens the connection to love.
* I always make good trades.
* I manage my finances like a pro.
* I get great ideas now.
* I travel to places that energizes me.
* I have green thumbs.
* I take a moment and aknowledge I have healing powers beyond my wildest imagination.
* I take action to build my dream life.
* I get the best shampoo for my hair.
Note to self:

Tired is not an excuse to skip the things that gives me energy.
The moon has now entered Lunar mansion 14

17° 08' 34'' Virgo – 0° Libra

Good For
Romantic love, friendship. Moving house, leaving a job or a relationship. Healing. Traveling by sea. Gardening

* I always have great date-nights
* I have good and supportive friends
* I find the best living space for me( I am thinking of moving)
* I let go of toxic connections.
* I heal myself and others when needed.
* I get insanely cheap prices for fun Cruises.
* I give my plants the exact amount of water they need.
Be careful what you write.

Currently on a boat. Ready for a cruise
Write down your goals!

Really! Write down your goals!

It works when you write down your goals!
What are your:

* Health goals?
* Work and career goals?
* Relationship goals?
* Financial goals?
* Goals relating to your home and living space/ situation?
* Goals to experiences?
* Personal development goals?
* Spiritual goals?
Do you lack dicipline in some area of your life?
Do you have issues with overspending?
Do you like eating too much Cake? I do!
Do you feel like watching netflix is more fun than a jog?

Do you suffer from this lack of dicipline?

If so I have the solution for you and its called Saturn.

Saturn does not care about your whining ( ..or mine)

So call up saturn and ask for dicipline, you will thank me much later, much much later.
The mars retrograde will end today.
Put them in the freezer!

You dont even have to tell them.
This is mostly the only type of curse/jinx work i will do nowadays.

No need for negativity, just put them in the freezer.
Post from vovin on evocationmagic forum

I have been using this low magick spell for a years now with great success, and I have shared this with a few of you on the forum. I like it because it removes people from your life inobtrusively. For example work colleugues have moved departments or left the company or problem neighbours have become embroiled in there own affairs or have simply moved out of the area after this has been cast on them. I prefer this to doing death spells or throwing there life into turmoil but thats just me. Sometimes its smarter just to remove the problem than to swat flies with machine guns.

A small piece of paper the size of a post it
A piece of string about 4 to five inches long
A plastic container like a jar or something that can be filled with water and sealed without bursting in your freezer.

Write the problem persons name in full onto the piece of paper.
Roll the piece of paper into a scroll.
Bind the scroll with the piece of string and bind it tightly uttering your intent. "I want Marilyn Manson to stop meddling in my affairs and from saying or causing any harm to myself or reputation. May they become so embroiled in there own affairs that I will no longer be involved in any way with this person for as long as this string binds this scroll so mote it be."
Take the bound scroll and put it into the pastic jar of water. Seal this and place it in the back of your freezer. The person should not bother you again.. You can quite easliy undo it by thawing the frozen scroll and undoing the binding...
You can also give it a bit more oompf by combining it with a good paper jinx

1. Write the name criss cross
2. Draw arrows from the edges.
3. Add some chili
4. Fold the paper from the corners unto a little packet.
5. Now bind with the thread as instructed
What do you do when you get the answer?

If you like me you might have a daily practice.
You do your mantras, call upp angels, banish etc.
Most often there is a shift in the atmosphere, the tempereature might change a bit.
You might ask for a specifik thing and it happens.

Then there are those other times…

You call and there is something very clearly on the other side.

The most fun one for me was when i called one of the faustian demons from the 6/7th book of moses.

Me: "Do the Calling"
Demon: "what the fuck do you want?" angry and annoyed.
Me "stating the purpose"
Demon: "answers anoyingly"
Me: Licence to depart and a banishing.

I did call the same spirit again but with more protection such as the headless rite.

Another time doing a baphomet meditation. Waking up in the middle of the night with
the Classic horned being with Hoof feet. Strangly i fell asleep pretty quickly.


My neighbours put up gigant light crosses, and a Picture of jesus on their balcony. I cannot surely say theese two things are related, but i have my suspicions.

So how do you react when theese things happen, when you get a clear answer?
For me I write things down, see how things unfold. In the end there is Always a story to tell and hopefully a fun one.
Meditation is pretty great.

Sit down for 5 minutes
Straight back
Just focus on the lower dan tien( located about three fingerwidths below navel)
Mind will calm and energy will begin to gather there.
No forced breathing.
2025/03/06 04:50:00
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