Раз уж мы заговорили про многоэтажные конструкции для рукоделия, не можем не поделиться с вами еще одним экземпляром из этой типологии, который давно очаровал нас своей архитектурностью и остроумием дизайнера, пронзившего ящики деревянной иглой. Этажерка эта была создана еще раньше, в начале 1950-х гг. Ее автором иногда называют Геррита Ритвельда, но в действительности ее спроектировал для компании «Pastoe» любимый нами голландский дизайнер Кейс Браакман.
Now that we’ve mentioned swivel tray sewing cabinets, here is another example of this typology whose architectonics and needle-like drawer support blew our socks off when we saw it a couple of years ago. Produced by Pastoe in the early 1950s, this cabinet preceded both the Soviet sewing box and its German and Spanish twins. It is sometimes misattributed to Gerrit Rietveld, but, as it turns out, this is yet another design of Cees Braakman, a Dutch furniture-maker we favor so much.
(photos here and above: cetaitmieuxavant.be, haresfur.co.uk, retroliving.co.uk, zigzagmidcentury.com, btweenspaces.com, ambianic.com, pamono.com, mutualart.com, wright20.com, vonvintage.nl, midmod-design.com)
Now that we’ve mentioned swivel tray sewing cabinets, here is another example of this typology whose architectonics and needle-like drawer support blew our socks off when we saw it a couple of years ago. Produced by Pastoe in the early 1950s, this cabinet preceded both the Soviet sewing box and its German and Spanish twins. It is sometimes misattributed to Gerrit Rietveld, but, as it turns out, this is yet another design of Cees Braakman, a Dutch furniture-maker we favor so much.
(photos here and above: cetaitmieuxavant.be, haresfur.co.uk, retroliving.co.uk, zigzagmidcentury.com, btweenspaces.com, ambianic.com, pamono.com, mutualart.com, wright20.com, vonvintage.nl, midmod-design.com)
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Раз уж мы заговорили про многоэтажные конструкции для рукоделия, не можем не поделиться с вами еще одним экземпляром из этой типологии, который давно очаровал нас своей архитектурностью и остроумием дизайнера, пронзившего ящики деревянной иглой. Этажерка эта была создана еще раньше, в начале 1950-х гг. Ее автором иногда называют Геррита Ритвельда, но в действительности ее спроектировал для компании «Pastoe» любимый нами голландский дизайнер Кейс Браакман.
Now that we’ve mentioned swivel tray sewing cabinets, here is another example of this typology whose architectonics and needle-like drawer support blew our socks off when we saw it a couple of years ago. Produced by Pastoe in the early 1950s, this cabinet preceded both the Soviet sewing box and its German and Spanish twins. It is sometimes misattributed to Gerrit Rietveld, but, as it turns out, this is yet another design of Cees Braakman, a Dutch furniture-maker we favor so much.
(photos here and above: cetaitmieuxavant.be, haresfur.co.uk, retroliving.co.uk, zigzagmidcentury.com, btweenspaces.com, ambianic.com, pamono.com, mutualart.com, wright20.com, vonvintage.nl, midmod-design.com)
Now that we’ve mentioned swivel tray sewing cabinets, here is another example of this typology whose architectonics and needle-like drawer support blew our socks off when we saw it a couple of years ago. Produced by Pastoe in the early 1950s, this cabinet preceded both the Soviet sewing box and its German and Spanish twins. It is sometimes misattributed to Gerrit Rietveld, but, as it turns out, this is yet another design of Cees Braakman, a Dutch furniture-maker we favor so much.
(photos here and above: cetaitmieuxavant.be, haresfur.co.uk, retroliving.co.uk, zigzagmidcentury.com, btweenspaces.com, ambianic.com, pamono.com, mutualart.com, wright20.com, vonvintage.nl, midmod-design.com)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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