В 1927 г. вслед за Мартом Стамом, Марселем Брейером и прочими европейскими модернистами 24-летняя Шарлотта Перриан изготовила для своей парижской квартиры такое кресло из гнутых стальных трубок. Кресло, которое впоследствии получило код B 302, предполагалось использовать и за обеденным, и за письменным столами. Кресло могло вращаться вокруг своей оси и было оснащено комфортабельной спинкой, упругой, «как автомобильное колесо». Хоть эта модель выпускалась ограниченным тиражом, она не могла не повлиять на дизайн последующих офисных стульев. Более того, это кресло, представленное общественности в 1928 г., стало для Перриан рубежной работой, обозначившей ее переход от ар-деко к эстетике модернизма.
Продолжение следует…
In 1927, 24-year-old Charlotte Perriand, following in the wake of tubular steel designs by Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer, etc. designed a chair for her studio apartment in Paris that would later be known as B 302 and could be used both as a dining chair and as a working chair. The chair had a swivel mechanism and boasted a comfortable backrest cushion that felt “like automobile tyres”. Even though it was produced in small numbers, this model contributed to subsequent office chair designs. Also, this chair, which was presented to the public in 1928, was a seminal work for Perriand as it marked her departure from Art Deco and into the realm of modernism.
To be continued…
(photos here and above: collection.goldstein.design.umn.edu, smow.com, mdbarchitects.com, collections.vam.ac.uk, agnesdahanstudio.com; Getty Images: Corbis, Jessie Tarbox Beals/The New York Historical Society, ullstein bild; bomdesignfurniture.com, ztijl.com, insider.com, 1stdibs.com)
Продолжение следует…
In 1927, 24-year-old Charlotte Perriand, following in the wake of tubular steel designs by Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer, etc. designed a chair for her studio apartment in Paris that would later be known as B 302 and could be used both as a dining chair and as a working chair. The chair had a swivel mechanism and boasted a comfortable backrest cushion that felt “like automobile tyres”. Even though it was produced in small numbers, this model contributed to subsequent office chair designs. Also, this chair, which was presented to the public in 1928, was a seminal work for Perriand as it marked her departure from Art Deco and into the realm of modernism.
To be continued…
(photos here and above: collection.goldstein.design.umn.edu, smow.com, mdbarchitects.com, collections.vam.ac.uk, agnesdahanstudio.com; Getty Images: Corbis, Jessie Tarbox Beals/The New York Historical Society, ullstein bild; bomdesignfurniture.com, ztijl.com, insider.com, 1stdibs.com)
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В 1927 г. вслед за Мартом Стамом, Марселем Брейером и прочими европейскими модернистами 24-летняя Шарлотта Перриан изготовила для своей парижской квартиры такое кресло из гнутых стальных трубок. Кресло, которое впоследствии получило код B 302, предполагалось использовать и за обеденным, и за письменным столами. Кресло могло вращаться вокруг своей оси и было оснащено комфортабельной спинкой, упругой, «как автомобильное колесо». Хоть эта модель выпускалась ограниченным тиражом, она не могла не повлиять на дизайн последующих офисных стульев. Более того, это кресло, представленное общественности в 1928 г., стало для Перриан рубежной работой, обозначившей ее переход от ар-деко к эстетике модернизма.
Продолжение следует…
In 1927, 24-year-old Charlotte Perriand, following in the wake of tubular steel designs by Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer, etc. designed a chair for her studio apartment in Paris that would later be known as B 302 and could be used both as a dining chair and as a working chair. The chair had a swivel mechanism and boasted a comfortable backrest cushion that felt “like automobile tyres”. Even though it was produced in small numbers, this model contributed to subsequent office chair designs. Also, this chair, which was presented to the public in 1928, was a seminal work for Perriand as it marked her departure from Art Deco and into the realm of modernism.
To be continued…
(photos here and above: collection.goldstein.design.umn.edu, smow.com, mdbarchitects.com, collections.vam.ac.uk, agnesdahanstudio.com; Getty Images: Corbis, Jessie Tarbox Beals/The New York Historical Society, ullstein bild; bomdesignfurniture.com, ztijl.com, insider.com, 1stdibs.com)
Продолжение следует…
In 1927, 24-year-old Charlotte Perriand, following in the wake of tubular steel designs by Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer, etc. designed a chair for her studio apartment in Paris that would later be known as B 302 and could be used both as a dining chair and as a working chair. The chair had a swivel mechanism and boasted a comfortable backrest cushion that felt “like automobile tyres”. Even though it was produced in small numbers, this model contributed to subsequent office chair designs. Also, this chair, which was presented to the public in 1928, was a seminal work for Perriand as it marked her departure from Art Deco and into the realm of modernism.
To be continued…
(photos here and above: collection.goldstein.design.umn.edu, smow.com, mdbarchitects.com, collections.vam.ac.uk, agnesdahanstudio.com; Getty Images: Corbis, Jessie Tarbox Beals/The New York Historical Society, ullstein bild; bomdesignfurniture.com, ztijl.com, insider.com, 1stdibs.com)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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