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Bede tells us that the second moon of the Anglo-Saxon heathen year was called Solmōnaþ meaning “Sun month”. This marks the returning power of the sun goddess known in English as Sunne and in Norse as Sól and explains the Old English word for Lent, Lencten which means “lengthening” in reference to the lengthening of the days at this time of year.
Bede wrote that Sol month was the month of flat cakes which the heathen English gave in offering to their gods - presumably to Sunne specifically. These round sun cakes became the English Christian tradition of pancake day celebrated at the start of Lent.
Forwarded from Æhtemen
Interesting piece showing Woden wearing a headdress similar to figures from the Sutton Hoo finds. I cannot find much information about this archaeological find (?) apart from it is said to be dated to the 6th-7th century.
Raven fylfot ring - Gothic
Near Lejre, Denmark A fragment from one of Scandinavia's most magnificent helmets emerged from the ground in 2024. The fragment is gold-plated and decorated with red gemstones,  and comes from the period from the end of the 7th century to the middle of the 8th century, just before the start of the Viking Age. Photo: Kristian Grøndahl

It resembles the brows on helmets from Anglo-Saxon England and Vendel era Sweden
Forwarded from TheBeakerLady
Yamnaya reconstruction by Nechvaloda
“burial 5, mound I (Nizhnyaya Orlyanka). Pit culture 3600-2300 BC
Source: Bogachev A. V. Kuznetsov A. V. Khokhlov A. A. Veneds: Indo-European context. Samara, 2022. S. 115.”
Would you rather i broke up my iceland documentary into smaller videos about different sagas/locations?
Anonymous Poll
One long doc
Several shorter docs
A new paper on Goth and Suebians in Iberia. Suebian elites in Spain show almost entirely Northern European ancestry (92-95%). 14 Visigoth burial samples had greater than 80% Northwest European Ancestry (3 of which were full NW Euro). There were also 27 samples with mixed NW Euro and Iberian ancestry. Dates from 4-6th century.

The Germanics did not leave a genetic legacy in Iberia though
A Merovingian era amber bird pendant discovered in 2013 on the Baltic shore of Germany near Rostock. The runic inscription may be read as "FRAUA"

The rock art from the tomb of Bredarör at Kivik in Sweden is a window into the forgotten world of the Nordic Bronze Age. In this film I visited the great rock barrow with my mate The Golden One, and I interpret all the esoteric imagery, including; sun-wheels, solar crosses, war chariots, armed warriors and ritual axes and boats. With the latest archaeological data, 3D scans and new CGI animations of the art, this film gives a new perspective on a tomb which is 3400 years old!
New preprint from Perretti et al has this figure for Bronze Age European complexions. The colour used to represent “dark” is darker than most Indians, all native Americans, South East Asians and Arabs. They made it as dark as people from Central Africa and South India.

You really expect people to believe 1/4 of BA Britons were as dark as that and 1/4 were as light as we are now? That kind of extreme variance in one homogeneous population on a cloudy cold North Atlantic island?
Most of the time when you see people predicting the complexion, hair colour and eye colour of ancient people online, they are using Hirisplex to estimate it. But this test above makes it clear that while it is pretty accurate when it comes to eye colour, it confuses hair colour calling brown hair black and blonde hair red, and it gets skin colour wrong a lot, calling dark skin "very dark" and calling light skin "intermediate". FYI this technique was used to claim Cheddar man was "black" and that Yamnaya are "dark" - in reality the Yamnaya were no darker than Europeans are today.
Óðinn Worship in Christian Sweden

-Saints, Peasants and Warriors
-The Case of Eric Clauesson
-The Case of Ragvald Odenskarl
-Norse Paganism in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Óðinn worship continued in Sweden post-conversion. The court trials of Eric Clauesson (d. 1492) and Ragvald Odenskarl (d. 1484) provide a great insight into the way Óðinn worship evolved in 15th century Sweden.

All artwork created by Ryan Murray, commissioned by The Chad Pastoralist.

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