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Grammatikasini oʻtib berayotgan kitobimni sizlar bn qanday ulashishni hech ham bilmayotgan edim
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Agar shunday berish tartibi sizlarga yoqsa qolgan mavzularni ham shunday tayyorlab bermoqchiman
Faqat yoqqan boʻlsa va qolgan mavzularni ham hohlaydigan boʻlsanglae boshqalar bilan share qilishni unutmang
Smilik va share ga qarab keyin boshqa mavzularni ham tayyorlayman
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📘 Lesson #1

🖋 I work/He works 🖋
🔹 Doimiy takrorlanuvchi ish harakatlarini ifodalaydi. 🔹
📝 FORM - Present Simple Formulasi
Affirmative (Tasdiq shakli)
🟢 Subject + play/plays
• I eat 🍕 pizza every Friday.
🚫 Negative (Inkor shakli)
🔴 Subject + do/does + not + play
• I don’t often eat pizza.
Interrogative (So‘roq shakli)
🔵 Do/does + Subject + play?
Do I always eat pizza? WH - Questions (Special Questions)
🔹 Formula: WH + DO/DOES + Subject + V1?
🔸 How often do you go to the cinema?
🔸 When do they go jogging every day?
🔸 Where does she live?
🔸 What does she do?
🔸 Which bus do you take to go to school?
📍 Gap egasiga savol berish shakli:
💡 WHO/WHAT + does/plays/works/speaks?
💡 Example:
• Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does.
• What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.
• Who works here?
o We do.
🔎 Gap egasiga (Subject) savol berish
Present Simple zamonida gap egasiga savol berish uchun who/what kabi so‘roq so‘zlari ishlatiladi. Bunda yordamchi fe’llar (do/does) ishlatilmaydi va asosiy fe’l doimo birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
Who/What/Which + Verb
1. Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does. (To‘g‘ri javob)
o My brother speaks. (Noto‘g‘ri, chunki asosiy fe’l o‘rniga do/does ishlatilishi kerak)

2. What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.

3. Who works here?
o We do.

4. Whose brothers study at the University?
o Tom’s brothers study at the University.

5. Which bus goes to Fergana?
o Bus number 4.

• A) WHO/WHAT/WHICH gap egasiga savol berishda asosiy fe’l qabul qiladi, do/does yordamchi fe’li ishlatilmaydi.
• B) WHO/WHAT/WHICH bilan savol berishda asosiy fe’l faqat birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
• C) Qisqa javob qaytarishda esa yordamchi fe’l do/does ishlatiladi

📍 Present Simple bilan ishlatiluvchi ravishlar (Signal so‘zlar)

📅 1. Tez-tez va doimiylikni bildiruvchi ravishlar (Frequency Adverbs)

Ravish Tarjimasi Misol

Always Har doim I always get up early in the morning.

Usually Odatda She usually goes for a walk after dinner. 🚶‍♀️

Often Tez-tez They often play tennis on weekends. 🎾

Frequently Tez-tez We frequently visit our grandparents. 🏡

Sometimes Ba’zan He sometimes reads books before sleeping. 📚

Occasionally Kamdan-kam I occasionally go to the cinema. 🎥

Rarely Juda kam They rarely eat junk food. 🍔

Seldom Juda kam He seldom misses his workout sessions. 🏋️‍♂️

Hardly ever Deyarli hech qachon She hardly ever travels abroad. 🌏

Never Hech qachon I never skip my morning coffee. ☕️

📅 2. Vaqtni bildiruvchi signal so‘zlar (Time Expressions)
Signal so‘z Tarjimasi Misol

Every day Har kuni He goes to the gym every day. 🏋️‍♂️

Every morning Har ertalab She jogs every morning. 🏃‍♀️

Every night Har kechasi They read stories every night. 🌙

Every week Har hafta I visit my parents every week. 👨‍👩‍👦

Every month Har oy We have a meeting every month. 🗓

On Mondays/Sundays Dushanba/ Yakshanba kunlari He plays football on Sundays. ⚽️

Once a day Kuniga bir marta I have tea once a day. 🍵

Twice a week Haftada ikki marta They practice twice a week. 🏀

Three times a month Oyi uch marta She goes shopping three times a month. 🛒

At night Kechasi I study at night when it’s quiet. 🌌

At weekends Dam olish kunlari They go hiking at weekends. 🏞

From time to time Vaqti-vaqti bilan I meet my old friends from time to time. 👫

Nowadays Hozirgi kunda Nowadays, people prefer online shopping. 💻

Today Bugun Today, we celebrate our victory. 🎉


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🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
🔎 Why learn English grammar?
📚 Ingliz tili grammatikasini o‘rganish nimaga kerak?
Ingliz tilida yaxshi gaplashish uchun grammatikani yaxshi bilish muhim. To‘g‘ri ishlatilgan grammatika so‘zlashuvni ravonroq va tushunarliroq qiladi. Bundan tashqari, grammatika bilimlari yozma ishlarni mukammallashtirish va nutqni yanada ta’sirchanroq qilish uchun zarurdir.
O‘z bilimlaringizni Your English Teacher kanali orqali boyitib boring! 🎯
🗣 Do‘stlaringiz bilan o‘rganing va bilimlaringizni bo‘lishing!
Agar darslar sizga foydali bo‘lsa, do‘stlaringiz bilan ham bo‘lishishni unutmang. Birgalikda o‘rganish yanada samarali bo‘ladi! 👥
🔗 Kanalga qo‘shilish uchun havola: Your English Teacher
🌟 Kanalda sizni yanada ko‘proq qiziqarli va foydali darslar kutmoqda!

🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📘 Lesson #2

🎯 Topic: The Present Simple Tense

🎓 I work / He works

🔄 Doimiy takrorlanuvchi ish-harakatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.


🔹 I. Repeated or habitual actions

🔄 Doimo takrorlanuvchi ish-harakatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi va tasavvur uyg’otadi.

🔸 A) Odat shakliga kirib qolgan ish-harakatlar va kundalik yumushlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.

👉 Bu qoida bilan always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, barely, never kabi ravishlar (key words) faol ishlatiladi.

1️⃣ I get up at 5 o’clock every day.
2️⃣ Most evenings, my parents stay at home and watch TV.
3️⃣ Do you go to the cinema very often?
4️⃣ How often do you go to the dentist?
5️⃣ In summer, Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
6️⃣ Ann doesn't often drink coffee.
7️⃣ Nancy barely works this day of the week.
8️⃣ Every time I see her, she smiles at me.

🔸 B) Tabiat hodisalari, rad etib bo‘lmaydigan haqiqatlar, fan tomondan isbotlangan qoidalar haqida umumiy ma’lumot beradi, tasavvur uyg’otadi.

1️⃣ The Earth goes around the Sun.
2️⃣ Summer follows spring.
3️⃣ The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
4️⃣ It rains a lot in Britain in March and April.
5️⃣ Paris is the capital of France.
6️⃣ Water boils at 100 degrees.
7️⃣ Rice doesn’t grow in Russia.
🔸 C) Tezkor o‘zgarishga moyil bo‘lmagan doimiy holatlar va vaziyatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.

👉 Bu qoida odatda LIVE, TO BE, LIKE, WORK, BELIEVE, HATE, SPEAK kabi fe’llar bilan ifodalanadi.

1️⃣ John wears glasses.
2️⃣ I don't play the guitar.
3️⃣ Do you speak English?
4️⃣ Mr. and Mrs. Shaw live in Bristol.
5️⃣ Barry works in a shop.
6️⃣ Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
7️⃣ Lisbon is a teacher of English.
8️⃣ Atheists don’t believe in God.
🔸 D) Jadval, afisha va kalendarga asoslangan ish-harakatlarni doimiy sodir bo‘lishini yoki kelasi zamonda bir martalik sodir bo‘lishini ham PRESENT SIMPLE bilan ifodalaymiz.

1️⃣ What time does your favorite TV show start?
2️⃣ The course ends in two weeks.
3️⃣ The World Cup begins tomorrow.
4️⃣ We have 4 English lessons a week.
5️⃣ Our plane leaves at six tomorrow.
📌 Lessonning davomi keyingi postda davom etadi. 🌟
❤️ Agar ushbu darsni do'stlaringizga foydali deb bilsangiz — 👉 uni ulashing!
🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📖 Lesson #3
🔹 I work / He works


❗️ Ko‘rsatmalar doimo PRESENT SIMPLE bilan beriladi. Ushbu gaplar YOU olmoshi bilan ifodalanadi. 🌟 First …, Then … Next kabi ketma-ketlikni ifodalaydigan so‘zlar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ You take some water and put it on sugar. When it boils, you can have tea. ☕️
2️⃣ First, you take the photos and sort them into categories. Then you file them according to the subject. 📂
3️⃣ How do you boil an egg? – You put the egg into a pan with cold water and turn the fire on. 🍳


🔸 Gap tanishtiruvchi qurilmalar odatda present simple da beriladi. Ular tanishtirayotgan gap esa kontekst yoki signal so‘zga ko‘ra har qanday zamonda kelishi mumkin (ko‘pincha will/shall bilan).

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ I think he will go to the party. 🎉
2️⃣ She claims to be someone you know. 🔍
3️⃣ I hope you are enjoying the party. 🥳
4️⃣ I promise I will help you. 🤝

💡 Holat fe’llari harakatni ifodalamaydi va -ing qo‘shimchasini olmaydi. Shuning uchun continuous va perfect continuous zamonlarida kelmaydi.

🔸 Holat fe’llariga misollar:

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Listen! The music sounds beautiful. 🎶
2️⃣ I understand you now. 💡
3️⃣ I have known him for ten years.

🌟 Turkumlarga ajratilgan holat fe’llari:

Xoxish va istak fe’llari:
💖 like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer
🗣 e.g. I love chocolate ice cream. 🍦

Sezgi fe’llari:
👀 see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound
🗣 e.g. I see a cat on the roof. 🐱

Aqliy faoliyatni bildiruvchi fe’llar:
🧠 know, believe, understand, realize, remember
🗣 e.g. I believe you are right.

Boshqa holat fe’llari:
🌟 be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter
🗣 e.g. This book belongs to me. 📚


Shart (if, unless, providing that, ...) va payt (when, while, after, before, ...) ergash gap bog’lovchilari bilan kelgan zamon present simple orqali beriladi. 🔄

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ If you come tomorrow, we shall play chess.
2️⃣ As soon as the lesson is over, we shall leave. 🏫


⚽️ Sport sharhlari – tezkorlikda sodir bo‘layotgan jarayonni yoritish uchun present simple ishlatiladi. 🎙

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Johnson makes a pass left. Smith gets the ball. He runs past the defense and scores! 🏀
2️⃣ Ellis throws the ball in to Snow, but he loses it. Watson gives the ball to Tanner. ⚽️


📚 Hikoya va romanlar, kitob va maqolalarning qisqacha tasnifi present simple da beriladi. 📝

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ The events take place in medieval Japan. 🗾
2️⃣ The hero struggles to adapt to an alien culture. 👤


📰 Gazeta va jurnallarda sarlavhalar yoki suratlarga izohlar present simple bilan beriladi. 🖊

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Madman interrupts show, takes hostage. 🕵️
2️⃣ Schools stay closed due to severe weather conditions. ☁️
3️⃣ Heroic cop returns the stolen relic to its grateful owner. 👮

🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AYYUB
📣🎉 KUNDA YANGI MAVZU: Past Simple Tense! 📚

Assalomu alaykum, qadrli til o'rganuvchilar! Bugungi darsimizda Past Simple Tense grammatikasini o'rganamiz. Ushbu zamon o'tmishda bo'lgan va tugagan harakatlarni ifodalaydi. 🎯

Misol:I studied English yesterday. 🕰️

📅 Darslarni o'tkazib yubormang va ingliz tilini o'rganishda yana bir pog'onaga ko'tariling! Har kuningiz o'sishga bag'ishlang!

🌸 Bugungi kuningiz muvaffaqiyat va ilhom bilan to'lsin. Biz bilan yangi bilimlar sari dadil qadam tashlang! 💪

🗣💬👍 "Bugun qilgan ishingiz ertangi kuningizni yaratadi." - Nelson Mandela

Telegram kanalimizni kuzatib boring, sizni qiziqarli va foydali darslar kutmoqda! 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫
Please open Telegram to view this post
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📘 Lesson #1

🖋 I work/He works 🖋
🔹 Doimiy takrorlanuvchi ish harakatlarini ifodalaydi. 🔹
📝 FORM - Present Simple Formulasi
Affirmative (Tasdiq shakli)
🟢 Subject + play/plays
• I eat 🍕 pizza every Friday.
🚫 Negative (Inkor shakli)
🔴 Subject + do/does + not + play
• I don’t often eat pizza.
Interrogative (So‘roq shakli)
🔵 Do/does + Subject + play?
Do I always eat pizza? WH - Questions (Special Questions)
🔹 Formula: WH + DO/DOES + Subject + V1?
🔸 How often do you go to the cinema?
🔸 When do they go jogging every day?
🔸 Where does she live?
🔸 What does she do?
🔸 Which bus do you take to go to school?
📍 Gap egasiga savol berish shakli:
💡 WHO/WHAT + does/plays/works/speaks?
💡 Example:
• Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does.
• What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.
• Who works here?
o We do.
🔎 Gap egasiga (Subject) savol berish
Present Simple zamonida gap egasiga savol berish uchun who/what kabi so‘roq so‘zlari ishlatiladi. Bunda yordamchi fe’llar (do/does) ishlatilmaydi va asosiy fe’l doimo birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
Who/What/Which + Verb
1. Who speaks English in your family?
o My brother does. (To‘g‘ri javob)
o My brother speaks. (Noto‘g‘ri, chunki asosiy fe’l o‘rniga do/does ishlatilishi kerak)

2. What goes around the Sun?
o The Earth does.

3. Who works here?
o We do.

4. Whose brothers study at the University?
o Tom’s brothers study at the University.

5. Which bus goes to Fergana?
o Bus number 4.

• A) WHO/WHAT/WHICH gap egasiga savol berishda asosiy fe’l qabul qiladi, do/does yordamchi fe’li ishlatilmaydi.
• B) WHO/WHAT/WHICH bilan savol berishda asosiy fe’l faqat birlik shaklda bo‘ladi.
• C) Qisqa javob qaytarishda esa yordamchi fe’l do/does ishlatiladi

📍 Present Simple bilan ishlatiluvchi ravishlar (Signal so‘zlar)

📅 1. Tez-tez va doimiylikni bildiruvchi ravishlar (Frequency Adverbs)

Ravish Tarjimasi Misol

Always Har doim I always get up early in the morning.

Usually Odatda She usually goes for a walk after dinner. 🚶‍♀️

Often Tez-tez They often play tennis on weekends. 🎾

Frequently Tez-tez We frequently visit our grandparents. 🏡

Sometimes Ba’zan He sometimes reads books before sleeping. 📚

Occasionally Kamdan-kam I occasionally go to the cinema. 🎥

Rarely Juda kam They rarely eat junk food. 🍔

Seldom Juda kam He seldom misses his workout sessions. 🏋️‍♂️

Hardly ever Deyarli hech qachon She hardly ever travels abroad. 🌏

Never Hech qachon I never skip my morning coffee. ☕️

📅 2. Vaqtni bildiruvchi signal so‘zlar (Time Expressions)
Signal so‘z Tarjimasi Misol

Every day Har kuni He goes to the gym every day. 🏋️‍♂️

Every morning Har ertalab She jogs every morning. 🏃‍♀️

Every night Har kechasi They read stories every night. 🌙

Every week Har hafta I visit my parents every week. 👨‍👩‍👦

Every month Har oy We have a meeting every month. 🗓

On Mondays/Sundays Dushanba/ Yakshanba kunlari He plays football on Sundays. ⚽️

Once a day Kuniga bir marta I have tea once a day. 🍵

Twice a week Haftada ikki marta They practice twice a week. 🏀

Three times a month Oyi uch marta She goes shopping three times a month. 🛒

At night Kechasi I study at night when it’s quiet. 🌌

At weekends Dam olish kunlari They go hiking at weekends. 🏞

From time to time Vaqti-vaqti bilan I meet my old friends from time to time. 👫

Nowadays Hozirgi kunda Nowadays, people prefer online shopping. 💻

Today Bugun Today, we celebrate our victory. 🎉


🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
🔎 Why learn English grammar?
📚 Ingliz tili grammatikasini o‘rganish nimaga kerak?
Ingliz tilida yaxshi gaplashish uchun grammatikani yaxshi bilish muhim. To‘g‘ri ishlatilgan grammatika so‘zlashuvni ravonroq va tushunarliroq qiladi. Bundan tashqari, grammatika bilimlari yozma ishlarni mukammallashtirish va nutqni yanada ta’sirchanroq qilish uchun zarurdir.
O‘z bilimlaringizni Your English Teacher kanali orqali boyitib boring! 🎯
🗣 Do‘stlaringiz bilan o‘rganing va bilimlaringizni bo‘lishing!
Agar darslar sizga foydali bo‘lsa, do‘stlaringiz bilan ham bo‘lishishni unutmang. Birgalikda o‘rganish yanada samarali bo‘ladi! 👥
🔗 Kanalga qo‘shilish uchun havola: Your English Teacher
🌟 Kanalda sizni yanada ko‘proq qiziqarli va foydali darslar kutmoqda!

🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📘 Lesson #2

🎯 Topic: The Present Simple Tense

🎓 I work / He works

🔄 Doimiy takrorlanuvchi ish-harakatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.


🔹 I. Repeated or habitual actions

🔄 Doimo takrorlanuvchi ish-harakatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi va tasavvur uyg’otadi.

🔸 A) Odat shakliga kirib qolgan ish-harakatlar va kundalik yumushlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.

👉 Bu qoida bilan always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, barely, never kabi ravishlar (key words) faol ishlatiladi.

1️⃣ I get up at 5 o’clock every day.
2️⃣ Most evenings, my parents stay at home and watch TV.
3️⃣ Do you go to the cinema very often?
4️⃣ How often do you go to the dentist?
5️⃣ In summer, Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
6️⃣ Ann doesn't often drink coffee.
7️⃣ Nancy barely works this day of the week.
8️⃣ Every time I see her, she smiles at me.

🔸 B) Tabiat hodisalari, rad etib bo‘lmaydigan haqiqatlar, fan tomondan isbotlangan qoidalar haqida umumiy ma’lumot beradi, tasavvur uyg’otadi.

1️⃣ The Earth goes around the Sun.
2️⃣ Summer follows spring.
3️⃣ The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
4️⃣ It rains a lot in Britain in March and April.
5️⃣ Paris is the capital of France.
6️⃣ Water boils at 100 degrees.
7️⃣ Rice doesn’t grow in Russia.
🔸 C) Tezkor o‘zgarishga moyil bo‘lmagan doimiy holatlar va vaziyatlar haqida ma’lumot beradi.

👉 Bu qoida odatda LIVE, TO BE, LIKE, WORK, BELIEVE, HATE, SPEAK kabi fe’llar bilan ifodalanadi.

1️⃣ John wears glasses.
2️⃣ I don't play the guitar.
3️⃣ Do you speak English?
4️⃣ Mr. and Mrs. Shaw live in Bristol.
5️⃣ Barry works in a shop.
6️⃣ Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
7️⃣ Lisbon is a teacher of English.
8️⃣ Atheists don’t believe in God.
🔸 D) Jadval, afisha va kalendarga asoslangan ish-harakatlarni doimiy sodir bo‘lishini yoki kelasi zamonda bir martalik sodir bo‘lishini ham PRESENT SIMPLE bilan ifodalaymiz.

1️⃣ What time does your favorite TV show start?
2️⃣ The course ends in two weeks.
3️⃣ The World Cup begins tomorrow.
4️⃣ We have 4 English lessons a week.
5️⃣ Our plane leaves at six tomorrow.
📌 Lessonning davomi keyingi postda davom etadi. 🌟
❤️ Agar ushbu darsni do'stlaringizga foydali deb bilsangiz — 👉 uni ulashing!
🔗 Join our channel for more!
🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Forwarded from AHLIDDIN أهل الدين Yunusov
📖 Lesson #3
🔹 I work / He works


❗️ Ko‘rsatmalar doimo PRESENT SIMPLE bilan beriladi. Ushbu gaplar YOU olmoshi bilan ifodalanadi. 🌟 First …, Then … Next kabi ketma-ketlikni ifodalaydigan so‘zlar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ You take some water and put it on sugar. When it boils, you can have tea. ☕️
2️⃣ First, you take the photos and sort them into categories. Then you file them according to the subject. 📂
3️⃣ How do you boil an egg? – You put the egg into a pan with cold water and turn the fire on. 🍳


🔸 Gap tanishtiruvchi qurilmalar odatda present simple da beriladi. Ular tanishtirayotgan gap esa kontekst yoki signal so‘zga ko‘ra har qanday zamonda kelishi mumkin (ko‘pincha will/shall bilan).

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ I think he will go to the party. 🎉
2️⃣ She claims to be someone you know. 🔍
3️⃣ I hope you are enjoying the party. 🥳
4️⃣ I promise I will help you. 🤝

💡 Holat fe’llari harakatni ifodalamaydi va -ing qo‘shimchasini olmaydi. Shuning uchun continuous va perfect continuous zamonlarida kelmaydi.

🔸 Holat fe’llariga misollar:

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Listen! The music sounds beautiful. 🎶
2️⃣ I understand you now. 💡
3️⃣ I have known him for ten years.

🌟 Turkumlarga ajratilgan holat fe’llari:

Xoxish va istak fe’llari:
💖 like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer
🗣 e.g. I love chocolate ice cream. 🍦

Sezgi fe’llari:
👀 see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound
🗣 e.g. I see a cat on the roof. 🐱

Aqliy faoliyatni bildiruvchi fe’llar:
🧠 know, believe, understand, realize, remember
🗣 e.g. I believe you are right.

Boshqa holat fe’llari:
🌟 be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter
🗣 e.g. This book belongs to me. 📚


Shart (if, unless, providing that, ...) va payt (when, while, after, before, ...) ergash gap bog’lovchilari bilan kelgan zamon present simple orqali beriladi. 🔄

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ If you come tomorrow, we shall play chess.
2️⃣ As soon as the lesson is over, we shall leave. 🏫


⚽️ Sport sharhlari – tezkorlikda sodir bo‘layotgan jarayonni yoritish uchun present simple ishlatiladi. 🎙

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Johnson makes a pass left. Smith gets the ball. He runs past the defense and scores! 🏀
2️⃣ Ellis throws the ball in to Snow, but he loses it. Watson gives the ball to Tanner. ⚽️


📚 Hikoya va romanlar, kitob va maqolalarning qisqacha tasnifi present simple da beriladi. 📝

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ The events take place in medieval Japan. 🗾
2️⃣ The hero struggles to adapt to an alien culture. 👤


📰 Gazeta va jurnallarda sarlavhalar yoki suratlarga izohlar present simple bilan beriladi. 🖊

🔹 Misollar:
1️⃣ Madman interrupts show, takes hostage. 🕵️
2️⃣ Schools stay closed due to severe weather conditions. ☁️
3️⃣ Heroic cop returns the stolen relic to its grateful owner. 👮

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🖋 Prepared by: Ahliddin Yunusov
📲 @YourEnglish_teacher
Bu darslarni kanalga moslab tayyorlash uchun bir kun vaqtim ketdi. Juda ham kam share boʻlgan. Keyingi darslarni ham shunday qabul qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz koʻproq odam bn share qilib kanalga taklif qiling
Present continuous ham tayyor. Jumadan keyin tashlayman
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2024/09/27 08:48:50
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