Достаточно посмотреть на приведенные выше фотографии конторских помещений 1920-х гг., чтобы понять: в лучшем случае офисные кресла того периода были оснащены спинками (хоть и не очень удобными) и могли вращаться. И это неслучайно – удобство было равнозначно безделью. На фоне растущего недовольства рабочих условиями труда (фабричные рабочие, например, вообще сидели на скамьях без спинок) британская компания «Tan-Sad» впервые по-настоящему озаботилась осанкой служащих и выпустила вращающееся кресло с изогнутой спинкой, высота которой могла регулироваться.
Suffice it to look at the above photographs of office spaces in the 1920s to realize that the best a clerical worker could hope for was a swivel chair with a back that was hardly comfortable, which reflects a common idea that comfort equaled laziness. However, as workers’ discontent deepened (e.g. some plants still used backless benches as seating), Tan-Sad, an English office furniture-maker registered in 1922, came up with what can be described as the world’s first posture-friendly swivel chair with a curved backrest that could be adjusted depending on the height of the seater.
Suffice it to look at the above photographs of office spaces in the 1920s to realize that the best a clerical worker could hope for was a swivel chair with a back that was hardly comfortable, which reflects a common idea that comfort equaled laziness. However, as workers’ discontent deepened (e.g. some plants still used backless benches as seating), Tan-Sad, an English office furniture-maker registered in 1922, came up with what can be described as the world’s first posture-friendly swivel chair with a curved backrest that could be adjusted depending on the height of the seater.
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Достаточно посмотреть на приведенные выше фотографии конторских помещений 1920-х гг., чтобы понять: в лучшем случае офисные кресла того периода были оснащены спинками (хоть и не очень удобными) и могли вращаться. И это неслучайно – удобство было равнозначно безделью. На фоне растущего недовольства рабочих условиями труда (фабричные рабочие, например, вообще сидели на скамьях без спинок) британская компания «Tan-Sad» впервые по-настоящему озаботилась осанкой служащих и выпустила вращающееся кресло с изогнутой спинкой, высота которой могла регулироваться.
Suffice it to look at the above photographs of office spaces in the 1920s to realize that the best a clerical worker could hope for was a swivel chair with a back that was hardly comfortable, which reflects a common idea that comfort equaled laziness. However, as workers’ discontent deepened (e.g. some plants still used backless benches as seating), Tan-Sad, an English office furniture-maker registered in 1922, came up with what can be described as the world’s first posture-friendly swivel chair with a curved backrest that could be adjusted depending on the height of the seater.
Suffice it to look at the above photographs of office spaces in the 1920s to realize that the best a clerical worker could hope for was a swivel chair with a back that was hardly comfortable, which reflects a common idea that comfort equaled laziness. However, as workers’ discontent deepened (e.g. some plants still used backless benches as seating), Tan-Sad, an English office furniture-maker registered in 1922, came up with what can be described as the world’s first posture-friendly swivel chair with a curved backrest that could be adjusted depending on the height of the seater.
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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