Everything in your life is about to take a positive turn. Do not give up.
So many good things are happening.
So many good things are happening.
Forwarded from Vanda Zueva
Your Guardian Angel is next to you, surrounding you with love and light. He wants you to know that you are not alone.
He whispers to you: “Trust life. Everything that happens leads you to the better. Don’t be afraid to let go of the old - a new, brighter and easier one awaits you ahead. I am nearby, supporting you in every step, in every decision. Just listen to your heart - it knows the way.”
Your Angel reminds you: you are stronger than you think.Everything you need is already inside you. Allow yourself to trust this knowledge and move forward with faith and love.
You are blessed, loved and protected.
He whispers to you: “Trust life. Everything that happens leads you to the better. Don’t be afraid to let go of the old - a new, brighter and easier one awaits you ahead. I am nearby, supporting you in every step, in every decision. Just listen to your heart - it knows the way.”
Your Angel reminds you: you are stronger than you think.Everything you need is already inside you. Allow yourself to trust this knowledge and move forward with faith and love.
You are blessed, loved and protected.
Forwarded from ✨True Light ✨
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True Light Message
By Love, By Death
It is not Important
The Mission
Goes Through Everything
The True Light
Is Beyond Realms
Through Existence
Choose Everything
That Comes on The Sacred Path
Above The World
Nothing is As Important As This
The Sacred Mission
Is Everything
It has no Time
Nor Value Known on The Earth
The Messengers of The True Light
Understand and Know This
The True God
Is In Everything They Are
They are Connected
Spreaded over The Earth
Guided By The True God
The Power
The Love
The Wisdom
The Spirit
True Light
I join to be with:
By Love, By Death
It is not Important
The Mission
Goes Through Everything
The True Light
Is Beyond Realms
Through Existence
Choose Everything
That Comes on The Sacred Path
Above The World
Nothing is As Important As This
The Sacred Mission
Is Everything
It has no Time
Nor Value Known on The Earth
The Messengers of The True Light
Understand and Know This
The True God
Is In Everything They Are
They are Connected
Spreaded over The Earth
Guided By The True God
The Power
The Love
The Wisdom
The Spirit
True Light
I join to be with:
In your shadow you will find the spark 🧨 to ignite the rebirth to your divine purpose and to be what you were always meant to be. 💥
✨ 3/6/9
It feels as if a doorway was pushed open, the roaring winds of evolution streaming straight through. This day and time is very unique in its energetic signature 3/6 will always add up to 9 yet in this 9 year, in this very moment of creation, it is enhanced by the 9 year, so what does this mean?
It feels as if a doorway was pushed open, the roaring winds of evolution streaming straight through. This day and time is very unique in its energetic signature 3/6 will always add up to 9 yet in this 9 year, in this very moment of creation, it is enhanced by the 9 year, so what does this mean?
It is life as we make it up over time. 6 has a big belly of love, it represents the abundant source of infinite possibilities. It is unconditional love and the unknown together giving birth to the highest timeline - and that is the vision and mission we align with. 9 is the moment when everything comes full circle. It is completion. It is a fundamental cycle coming to fruition. All of this together paints a picture of the amazing energy of today: unconditional love pouring in like water through a broken dam. No more limitation, no more attenuation. We are here to stand out with our vibration, we are here to lead by example, we are here to be the gateway of unconditional love pouring into this reality. We are transforming anything and everything into heaven on earth - organically, effortlessly. Trust. Photons of the highest light source are floating all around you, penetrating every cell of your vessel and upgrading your DNA to align with your divine blueprint of God. This critical day is a wonderful magical portal. I feel all of creation cheering us on, saying, “Oh, how far we have come.”
Stay graceful, vulnerable and open. Receive all the blessings that will show up as you continue to radiate this unconditional love into this realm! All dreams of LOVE are coming true.
Now is the time to stand up – ascend – become your highest vision of love!
You have full support today to shed and release anything that is not aligned with these frequencies of truth, authenticity and wisdom. Trust that whatever leaves you is meant to be shed and be open to the unknown. Often we get stuck on what is and delay what is meant to be!
Freedom is a big theme in today's energies, as freedom is one of the greatest expressions of love. Let go, be free. The energies are free high, free amplified, free intense, free exuberant in the expansion of creation!
You are free. You are expansion. You are the light of Source shining into this realm if you so choose.
Stay grounded, centered and focused on the mission.
With deep reverence and love, K❤️
~New Earth New~
|Terry Awakening|
It is life as we make it up over time. 6 has a big belly of love, it represents the abundant source of infinite possibilities. It is unconditional love and the unknown together giving birth to the highest timeline - and that is the vision and mission we align with. 9 is the moment when everything comes full circle. It is completion. It is a fundamental cycle coming to fruition. All of this together paints a picture of the amazing energy of today: unconditional love pouring in like water through a broken dam. No more limitation, no more attenuation. We are here to stand out with our vibration, we are here to lead by example, we are here to be the gateway of unconditional love pouring into this reality. We are transforming anything and everything into heaven on earth - organically, effortlessly. Trust. Photons of the highest light source are floating all around you, penetrating every cell of your vessel and upgrading your DNA to align with your divine blueprint of God. This critical day is a wonderful magical portal. I feel all of creation cheering us on, saying, “Oh, how far we have come.”
Stay graceful, vulnerable and open. Receive all the blessings that will show up as you continue to radiate this unconditional love into this realm! All dreams of LOVE are coming true.
Now is the time to stand up – ascend – become your highest vision of love!
You have full support today to shed and release anything that is not aligned with these frequencies of truth, authenticity and wisdom. Trust that whatever leaves you is meant to be shed and be open to the unknown. Often we get stuck on what is and delay what is meant to be!
Freedom is a big theme in today's energies, as freedom is one of the greatest expressions of love. Let go, be free. The energies are free high, free amplified, free intense, free exuberant in the expansion of creation!
You are free. You are expansion. You are the light of Source shining into this realm if you so choose.
Stay grounded, centered and focused on the mission.
With deep reverence and love, K❤️
~New Earth New~
|Terry Awakening|
Forwarded from The NeighbouⓇs
Love is so much greater than our ability to hate!
Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.
Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.
Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?
www.group-telegram.com/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ
Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.
Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.
Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?
www.group-telegram.com/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ
✨strengthening Intuition…,
your inner perception, trust your feelings...
The best way to strengthen your intuition is to simply use it. Just let it happen. Whenever you have a "gut feeling" about a situation, a place, a person, etc., pay close attention to it. Pay close attention to how it feels. If you've ever had a certain feeling about something or someone and didn't know why (but it turned out to be true), then your intuition was at play. The truth is that your subconscious and energy field can quickly perceive subtle signals and energies that your conscious mind cannot perceive. (3 milliseconds) The more you learn to respect and use your intuition, the stronger it becomes. You can also strengthen your intuition by eating lighter food, drinking lots of water, meditating, generally doing good things for yourself, and building absolute trust in your decision-making process.
your inner perception, trust your feelings...
The best way to strengthen your intuition is to simply use it. Just let it happen. Whenever you have a "gut feeling" about a situation, a place, a person, etc., pay close attention to it. Pay close attention to how it feels. If you've ever had a certain feeling about something or someone and didn't know why (but it turned out to be true), then your intuition was at play. The truth is that your subconscious and energy field can quickly perceive subtle signals and energies that your conscious mind cannot perceive. (3 milliseconds) The more you learn to respect and use your intuition, the stronger it becomes. You can also strengthen your intuition by eating lighter food, drinking lots of water, meditating, generally doing good things for yourself, and building absolute trust in your decision-making process.
✨you are in this world to bring good into it. You are here to radiate love, light and wisdom to all souls in need. You have work to do and you can only do this work when you have come to terms with yourself and can become one with the whole, when you no longer stand aside, criticize and isolate yourself from it. Do you feel one with all the souls around you? Do you feel at peace with the world, or are your thoughts full of resistance, criticism and destructive? Always remember: Love, joy and happiness create the right atmosphere and bring all like-minded souls together. So observe yourself and start attracting only the very best to yourself right now. You can change your whole attitude and perspective in a single moment. Why don't you do it? Bring yourself into harmony with all life and find that peace that passes all understanding✨
~Eileen Caddy~
~Eileen Caddy~