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🇮🇱🇵🇸 Project Lavender: Testing the SKYNET prototype using the example of the war in Gaza

With the emergence of modern AI versions, the situation on the battlefield has become very dynamic. Now the very approach to warfare is being radically reformatted.

❗️The decision-making and target selection process
is delegated to automated systems.

This allows to increase the scale of fire destruction by an order of magnitude and accomplish the assigned tasks with minimal losses. But military AI variants also have a downside - a lack of selectivity towards civilians who are not participants in the conflict.

The trend towards active implementation of AI in the military sphere took shape as early as 2017. Technologies within the framework of the Maven and White Stork projects are actively developing. Every local conflict is an opportunity to test new technologies.

Information about the genocide in Gaza mainly comes as a high-intensity conflict with numerous civilian casualties.

🔻In a new extensive article we tried to analyze and highlight the reasons for such high civilian casualties. This is extremely important for understanding the essence of all future military conflicts.

#globalism #Israel #weapons #Palestine #article

We hope you enjoyed the material from our team of analysts. We will be grateful for any support (here's a convenient link for payment via the Faster Payments System). Original msg
Media is too big
📍Find out more about the Pfizer Contracts

Cape Town. Sunday 9th June 2024 - 2:30 - 5pm. MonkeyValley, Noordhoek

👏Film Screening: PART 2: WHO'S Global Power Grab - Vaccines, Money and the Media

👏 Q +A: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Fahrie Hassan, Adv Sabelo Sibanda

👏 Vote to Exit The WHO:
👍 Show of hands at venue
👍 Ballot box at venue
👍 Electronic Voting Here

🚸Jhb and Durban to follow

#WorldFreedomMonth #GreatFreeSet

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🚸 The Substack article I wrote about the mafia methods of the WHO at #WHA77 has been republished in German websites, which auto translate to English.

🚸 Find out more today at the preview screening of PART 2, WHO'S GLOBAL POWER GRAB







🌍 Thank you for sharpening international attention to the fraudulent practices of this unelected and (for now) unaccountable theatre of the absurd, called the WHO.

🚸 Original article:

🚸 TKP:

🚸 Vereinwir:

X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
Media is too big
📍Did you vote in national elections and did you vote for the WHO?

🚸 This compelling clip is part of a master class in real democracy with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and Fahrie Hassan.

🚸 Find out more about South African political parties and the WHO.

Cape Town. Sunday 9th June 2024 - 2:30 - 5pm. MonkeyValley, Noordhoek

👏Film Screening: PART 2: WHO'S Global Power Grab - Vaccines, Money and the Media

👏 Q +A: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Fahrie Hassan, Adv Sabelo Sibanda

👏 Vote to Exit The WHO:
👍 Show of hands at venue
👍 Ballot box at venue
👍 Electronic Voting

🚸Jhb and Durban to follow

#WorldFreedomMonth #GreatFreeSet

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🌍 International Anti-WHO Team Recognised as Heroes

I am honored be recognised by Solari (Catherine Austin Fitts) as a member of the Anti-WHO Hero Crew.

We Shall Overcome!

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
🌍 The Resistance Grows

The eye-opening Substack article I wrote last week about the mafia methods of the WHO at #WHA77 has been republished in German websites, which can translate to English.

Thank you for sharpening international attention on the fraudulent practices of this unelected and (for now) unaccountable theatre of the absurd, called the WHO.

🚸 Original article:

🚸 TKP:

🚸 Vereinwir:

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👍 X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
🌍 From Tyranny to Awakening

📍 Watch: From Holocaust survivor, human rights activist, author and filmmaker, Vera Sharav, comes a new documentary that focuses on where we are at in this moment with the global tyranny we are all facing and poses the question, how the heck to do we get out of this mess together.

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Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
🚸 The Allopathization of Ayurveda - Last nail in the coffin of health

Ayurveda has been a pain in the neck for modern medicine ever since the British imposed medical system encountered it in India. However much the British doctors tried, the people stuck to the vaidyas and were not attracted to the new brand of medicine.

The WHO is thus setting up centers of excellence for ayurveda. The profession is harnessing ayurveds to malign the holistic concepts behind ayurveda and dub them non essential.

This process is taking place very fast, as the industry is preparing to launch the "bird flu pandemic" and does not want ayurveda to stand in the way as it did during Covid times.

X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
📍Watch: Health Sovereignty, The W.H.O and Conflicts of Interest

🚸 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Is the United Nations a bigger threat to health sovereignty than WHO?

🚸 Fahrie Hassan: WHO, Conflicts of Interest and the impact on Health Sovereignty

🌍 Thursday 20 June
5pm CAT (South Africa)
= 3pm GMT/UTC

🌍 Watch:

X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
🚸 If your Doctor prescribed 8 different medications for your 2 month old AND

1. There were zero studies showing the safety or synergistic effects of these 8 medications when combined.

2. These are all "preventative " medications (just in case) he or she comes in to contact with a specific pathogen.

3. Zero guarantee that any of these medications will provide any protection.

4. Death is a possible adverse reaction to all 8 different medications. Others include- Seizures, Convulsions, stroke, encephalitis, optical neuritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome,  brain swelling, coma and anaphylactic shock to name a few.

5. Numerous independent studies do show these medications can cause Neurological disorders and Autoimmune diseases.

6. Your Doctor collects a bonus check from the insurance company if he writes these prescriptions,  but only if your 2 month old takes all 8 at the same time. Also, you will be kicked out of the Dr's office if you refuse these drugs.

7. If your child suffers an adverse reaction or dies, you cannot hold the manufacturer liable. You pay 75cents on each medication prescribed and that goes into the Medication injury fund. You'll have 3 years to file and will need to hire a lawyer all on your own. Most of the cases get thrown out.

8. Over 4 billion dollars have been paid for these medications causing injury or death.

9. Some of the ingredients include; Monkey kidney cells, Fetal bovine serum, Lung fibroblast tissues from aborted babies, Canine DNA, MSG, Formaldahyde, Thimerosal, Aluminum, polysorbate 80, Glyphosate and human blood.

10. Double blind placebo trials using an inert substance have never been performed for any of these medications. No long term studies have been done. Health outcomes have never been studied on children who have never taken these medications, compared to children that have, to see if any benefits exist.

Would you say Yes?

X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
📍Can the WHO and the United Nations impose sanctions on your sovereign country for non-compliance?

🚸 Part of a key analysis I wrote, in which I argue that the UN is a far bigger threat than the WHO, which, although deserving of attention, cannot consume our entire focus.


X Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
Forwarded from CHD Africa
🎯 Lawyers Against NWO (New World Order)

🚸 Note time change

  Friday 21 June 2024
1pm GMT = 3pm CAT.

Speaking: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and Meike Terhorst


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Forwarded from CHD Africa
🌍 CHD Africa Allies Meeting

Monday 24 June 2024. 7pm CAT

Topic: The UN's emergency platform vs Sovereignty. And, the Africa Free Trade Agreement vs Health

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 845 5452 0634

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Forwarded from World Council for Health
TODAY: Expert Hearing on Covid "Vaccines"

We’re now in the fourth year of the worldwide distribution of a novel, experimental gene therapy distributed to more than half of the world’s population.

Whilst US courts have removed the rights of these injections to be called a vaccine as it does not prevent infection or spread and thus should be called a medication, and a court has labelled the injections a bioweapon, countries like Brazil continue to make the Covid injections mandatory to children.

It’s time for a resume on the safety and efficiency of this technology. That’s why we’ve invited some of the world’s leading experts to give us a summary of where we stand right now!

Increased censorship is making it difficult to remain up to date with what we all should know. Please take the time to watch this event and make up your own mind on this important issue. Whether you’re a health care professional, a scientist, a journalist, or you just want to empower yourself with the essential knowledge to navigate into the future, this is a must watch event.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to watch this extraordinary and important event featuring Assistant Prof Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Jessica Rose, Prof Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Kevin McKernan, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Maarten Fornerod, Prof Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse, Dr Janci Lindsay, and Katie Ashby-Koppens as well as hosts Dr Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe DO from the World Council for Health.

Join us live:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Ukraine Bio Update

New report from Russian MIL, alleging that the Pentagon relocated their bioweapon operation to Africa, due to Russia’s liberation of the labs in Ukraine

Kirillov alleges that Biden-owned Metabiota, and other intermediary NGOs, are running cover for the US State Dept and DoD, posing as a humanitarian operation, to conceal their true objective of pathogen production for Big Pharma

Kirillov also points out that Biden-owned Metabiota, have been forced to stop operating in many countries in Africa, due to awareness of their nefarious biological activity and agenda

Also keep in mind, the founder of Biden-owned Metabiota is Ghislaine Maxwell and Clinton affiliate, Virologist Nathan Wolfe

Later in the briefing, Kirillov also alleges the US are planning to spread disease via migratory birds. This comes after Kirillov previously alleged that the US plan to manufacture ANOTHER pandemic for the 2024 election like they did in 2020. Bird Flu comes to mind

X: @ShabnamPalesaMo
🔥"The flu vaccine has never worked. It's just that the governments and the health officials have been lying to the people, making them take it."🔥

Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and former Chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, describes for Andrija Klaric (@andrija_klaric) how "the flu vaccine has never worked." Furthermore, Bhakdi says that vaccines for any virus that enters through the nose are doomed to fail, as they make antibodies in the bloodstream.

"[Y]ou have to realize that the protection against viruses that come through the nose, does not work via antibodies that are in the blood. Because if you vaccinate, the antibodies that are made are in the bloodstream, and they cannot stop a virus that enters via the air stream—it's impossible," Bhakdi says. He adds that "those antibodies that are in the bloodstream do not protect against serious illness, because the bacteria [viruses?] are not in the blood, they are in the lung. And so how anyone could be so stupid as to say that, I don't know."

"[T]hat's why you cannot vaccinate against viruses that come in through the nose anyway," the retired professor adds.

Bhakdi goes on to say:

"The flu vaccine has never worked. It's just that the governments and the health officials have been lying to the people, making them take it. But anyone who's followed the literature knows that, as to be expected, the vaccines against the flu have never worked."

Watch at link:

Telegram: SPM Media
Twitter X: @ShabnamPalesaMo
📍Sawyers's Story - Death by Vaccine:
Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms

"The parents of 62-day-old Sawyer learned their baby’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be toxic for adults. The toxicologist who read Sawyer’s report said the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines.

According to a toxicology report, Sawyer’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be toxic for adults.

A toxicologist told the couple the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines. She also said a viral infection Sawyer was being treated for could have been a contributing factor.

Sawyer’s parents, Melissa — a registered nurse — and her fiancé Nick shared their story last week with journalist Jennifer Margulis.

The story of baby Sawyer

On Oct. 20, 2022, Melissa took Sawyer to a doctor for a persistent rash around his torso. The doctor diagnosed a viral infection, gave Melissa some medicinal cream and told her to monitor Sawyer’s temperature for possible fever.

Exactly one week later, Melissa went to the same pediatrician for a baby wellness checkup, where the doctor insisted Sawyer, despite Melissa’s reservations and the baby still having a rash, receive the scheduled childhood vaccines.

These included: RotaTeq (for rotavirus), Hib (for Haemophilus influenzae b), Prevnar 13 (for 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria) and Pediarix (for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and polio).

Melissa told The Defender that, despite her medical training, she became skeptical of vaccines just two days prior when she watched a video of a toxicologist talking about the dangers of vaccines for children. She discussed the upcoming vaccinations with her fiancé, and they decided to go ahead with them.

“We were afraid that the medical system was going to judge him and judge us and not let him into school,” Nick said. “We just hadn’t done any research on it.” 

Nick has two daughters from a previous marriage, ages 11 and 19, who received all of their childhood vaccines “and nothing ever happened,” he said.

After the doctor’s visit, Sawyer arrived home screaming and Melissa gave him the baby Tylenol recommended by the doctor.

By the next day, the baby had calmed somewhat but was still acting “fussy and uncomfortable,” so Melissa gave him more Tylenol and some expressed breastmilk.

When Nick got home from work that day, they put Sawyer into his bassinet for a nap around 5:30. By 6:15 the baby was fussing, and with some help was able to get back to sleep. He slept off and on for another four hours, while his parents kept tabs on him via his baby monitor and visits to his room.

The last time Melissa checked on Sawyer, he wasn’t moving or breathing. She picked up his limp and lifeless body and started screaming. Nick rushed in to help but it was already too late.

Emergency medical technicians arrived after the couple called 911. They tried but were unable to revive Sawyer.

The county and state police also responded and, because it was an infant death, opened a formal investigation and ordered an autopsy.

Chief Medical Examiner Mark Flomenbaum performed the autopsy the next day. Although he found Sawyer to be “well developed” and without signs of injury or bruising, Flomenbaum filed a death certificate citing asphyxiation due to a “sub-optimal sleeping environment” — essentially blaming the parents.

“It was near Christmas when we got the autopsy results,” Melissa told The Defender. “We read them on Christmas Eve. … We did nothing for the entire weekend.”

Asked if they ever learned what the medical examiner saw to make his determination, they said no. “The only thing in his basket was the blanket he was laying on.”

The police looked for evidence of child abuse or alcoholism, but quickly concluded it was an accidental death."
2024/06/30 23:44:53
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