Forwarded from Tom Sewells NSN, O9A Satanic infiltration problem
Here is a tiktok account that is blatantly an o9a Satanist account.
And would ya look at whose following it, a ton of NSN / EAM members.
Chris Boyle was right!!
And would ya look at whose following it, a ton of NSN / EAM members.
Chris Boyle was right!!
SuperStraight Unicorn Posting:🦄
The question on fans' minds: "When the fuck are they going to fuck?"
Forwarded from Adolf Nigler’s Autism
Men will be repulsed by the perverse behavior and personality of the coomer autogynophile in that body. Most men wouldn’t want to date a girl with a personality disorder, a super high body count and deranged paraphilia’s. A way less extreme example is the trashy vulgar girl that acts like a bro. Revan joked to me: “Living in Australia will cure your tomboy obsession” men hate the trashiness and vulgarity of a woman that acts like a bro. What men really want out of Tomboy’s is the “Biological female twink-wife” an effeminate girl with male intellectual interests and superior reason/emotional regulation than the average woman. This is what a lot of tomboys end up growing into if they don’t get transed. All the guys who describe their ideal girl as a man with Asperger’s as Sam Hyde would say, would actually experience an uncanny valley effect if they encountered that irl. We are drawn to the difference the polarity of femininity. We need women to be a bit alien and other.
Forwarded from Alogs Anonymous 4
Huge mistake on the part of X and the Australian Government. They should've left those two clowns' accounts up so that everyone can see for themselves how retarded and unthreatening to the system they are.
🧵 Thread • FxTwitter / FixupX
Joel Davis (@joeldavisx)
These two men and several other Nationalists were all censored off X this evening in a clear coordinated mass banning most likely requested by some department of the Australian Government.
If you seriously care about free speech, you should commit to looking…
If you seriously care about free speech, you should commit to looking…
Forwarded from NNN OSINT
⚫️ Telegram poster, Reimu shows off his atypical BBW Miku dakimakura.
⚫️ Despite Miku being known for being either flat and slender or thicc and Brazilian, it seems as if the weeb found the one Miku daki that was the least canonical possible.
⚫️ Being as his BBW Miku is so deviated from the lore, it's safe to assume that this isn't an authentic dakimakura from Japan, and it's very unlikely that Egyptian cotton and down stuffing was used.
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⚫️ Telegram poster, Reimu shows off his atypical BBW Miku dakimakura.
⚫️ Despite Miku being known for being either flat and slender or thicc and Brazilian, it seems as if the weeb found the one Miku daki that was the least canonical possible.
⚫️ Being as his BBW Miku is so deviated from the lore, it's safe to assume that this isn't an authentic dakimakura from Japan, and it's very unlikely that Egyptian cotton and down stuffing was used.
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