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Даша пилососить Батьківщину 🇺🇦
Day 22 was the last one. I was offered a place y'all.
As usual, things like this remind me of the love I have for all my friends and that I'm loved also.
I got to have the TV show moment where I saw the email, darted out of bed, banged on Kai's door, they were asleep and were like "whaaaat", and then I yelled CARDIFF OFFERED ME A PLACE and they darted out of bed and we hugged.

Alice's mum PRAYED FOR ME.

Ігор сказав що русня на мою честь балістику пускала як салюти.

tearing up a little just from that to be honest
А ну і на додачу I'm being continuously blessed with some of the best comments on ukrtg
Forwarded from Артем Бобер
America was born from God×Trump mpreg
Даша пилососить Батьківщину 🇺🇦
Day 22 was the last one. I was offered a place y'all.
Дякую всім, хто тримали за мене кулачки весь цей час.
Тепер цю енергію треба перенаправити в те, щоб Кай знайшли в Кардіффі можливість PhD і ми переїхали туди разом.
Rollercoaster update: apparently Cardiff considers me an international student (that's bad - twice more expensive, can't pay that at all). The good news is that basically they're just wrong, I am not considered an international student in the UK, and I just filled in the form to explain that so should be all good and just a technicality.
But BOY I got SPOOKED. Kind of am spooked still but objectively it's going to be fine, I am a Home student RIGHT NOW and will stay a home student for as long as I'm here. No reason for that to change
Даша пилососить Батьківщину 🇺🇦
Rollercoaster update: apparently Cardiff considers me an international student (that's bad - twice more expensive, can't pay that at all). The good news is that basically they're just wrong, I am not considered an international student in the UK, and I just…
For therapeutic reasons I need to inform you guys that unfortunately my brain decided that because of this issue, no achievement has been made and I hyped myself and everyone else up for no reason.

Which I rationally know is NOT TRUE, and it's a huge achievement actually, and this issue will most probably prove a complete non-issue once they look at the form that I already filled in. It should be good. I should be good.

Дихаю маточкой
Ну бо не могло ж усе буть так просто. Вони ж казали, що до рішення 4-6 тижнів. Той час, що вони зекономили, ми тепер витратимо на оцю їбалу, і потім усе остаточно буде добре.
Святкуємо дзвінком з Еліс. У Києві починає їбашити.

Еліс: Oh I hear explosions
Я: I can't hear anything
Еліс, пояснювально: That's because you're in a different country.
Я: ...I meant from your mic.
Еліс: А.
Forwarded from Ampora🐐oc brainrot (Mara Ampora)
In this house, we celebrate occasions with cake and non-alcoholic champagne.
Даша пилососить Батьківщину 🇺🇦
The conversation proceeds off screen and I want y'all to know that Kai now is blaming this on UNHINGED: AN EROTIC DOOR ROMANCE
I should've mentioned it in the same post but it's important to note that Vera Valentine, the author of Unhinged: An Erotic Door Romance, follows me on Instagram.
Good evening to everyone except russians, the Trump Administration, and the road workers who are drilling the road or whatever with something that sounds EXACTLY like an air raid siren when it's powering on and off. At 10 in the evening. Under the window of two Ukrainians. Less than a week before their collective traumaversary
Karlach BG3's lines when looking in the mirror:

Awww, me. 😊
Hey girl! 👋
Check out those arms 💪

I would die for Karlach BG3
Одинадцять років тому на Майдані сталася точка неповернення, і ми всією країною прийняли бій, який триває по сьогодні.
Стільки було віддано найдорожчого на цій війні, що тепер зупинитися, здаватися і відступати стало просто неможливо.
Ми маємо стояти стільки, скільки буде потрібно, бо альтернативою цьому є тільки рабство і безчестя.
Дякую всім, хто не здається, дякую воїнам, що втримали своєю кров'ю Майдан 11 років тому і втримують зараз фронт.
Героям слава.
2025/02/21 07:21:52
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