🧑🦲 Years ago, I bought some watermelon and fried chicken in rural Kentucky, and when I got home and started munching on them, a packet of Kool-Aid slipped out of the tendie bucket. I didn't particularly want to have watermelon-flavored Kool-Aid in my possession, but didn't want to throw away a piece of culture either, so I brought them over to an African-American friend of mine who was very frontal-cortex-diminished, and, I thought, would understand my dilemma. "SHIIIIET CRACKA DAS BITCH BE GUD FR", he said. *Fire Alarm Chirp*. I never saw the Kool-Aid packet again and he never told me what he did with it, but I trust he put down $0 for Ford F-150 and agreed to pay $399 a month for the rest of his life.