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Mock-ups of how the swastika in the sky throughout the changing seasons may have looked when Thuban/Alpha Draconis was the Pole star and the constellation Draco revolved around the celestial pillar of the northern hemisphere. Note the similarity to the Etruscan swastika variation that commonly featured on funerary urns.
…of course, I watched StJ’s swastika video, very well done as usual. There’s no doubt in my mind that in the Germanic Iron Age, the symbol was heavily associated with Odin.
If Zdanovich, Assasi, and Guénon are correct in that the symbol came from the stars, this still fits well with Odin, the creator and orderer of the Nine Realms. One of Odin’s epithets is Runni Vagna, mover of the wagon, and the Big Dipper was often referred to as a wain or wagon across Europe, first mentioned in the 12th Century.
Watch it here:
I have a new theory; I think Odinic wolf warrior cults like that of the Harii may have conducted night raids under the light of the full moon, like unto the Comanche, and this may have been reflected in later werewolf folklore.
Painting: Death in the Forest by Peter Dennis. 𐃏
These are Dyer’s Polypores (phaeolus schweinitzii), found throughout Eurasia and North America. It can be used to make orange, yellow, green or brown dye depending on how it’s prepared, and has been used to colour textiles since antiquity. ᛉ
“ChRiStIaNiTy UnItEd EuRoPe!!”
…what’s ironic is that the Crusades weakened the Byzantine Empire, which significantly aided the Turks.
A sword pommel from Vrångebäck, Sweden with two stylized bird heads and an image of a Valkyrie holding a drinking horn.
Hávamál stanza 38 in the Codex Regius, photo by Secrets of the Ice.

Vápnum sínum skal-a maðr velli á feti ganga framar, því at óvíst er at vita, nær verðr á vegum úti geirs of þörf guma.

“Away from his arms in the open field A man should fare not a foot; For never he knows when the need for a spear Shall arise on the distant road.”

“Let a man never stir on his road a step without his weapons of war; for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise of a spear on the way without.”

Forwarded from Ansuz Society
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We consecrated the new godpole over the weekend during the twilight of the Equinox, surrounded by golden fields, happy spirits and changing leaves.

To Wodanaz, Thunraz, and Fraujaz, we hail you with endless devotion!
For our lives, our health, and our prosperity, we thank you!


Godpole by @perkunasl

#pagan #religion #animism #paganism #nature #culture
Firesteel amulets from the Museum of Lund.
In 1880 Johan Alfred Göth wrote that in rural Småland, it was said that sheet lightning was caused by Freyja striking Her firesteel to check on the rye.
The 13th Century Icelandic Grágás laws outlawed worship of heathen beings, and also emphasized worship of stones; “putting trust in stones for his own health or that of his livestock”, and also “tying them to people and animals”. Likely referring to stone altars and stone grave markers, as well as making amulets. ⴲ
Drinking horns from Chernaya Mogila, with gilt silver animal decoration around the rim.
Another example of a myth surrounding unlawful bride abduction would be a folk tale from Lower Saxony.

In it, a man disapproved of his daughter’s fiancé, and arranged to have her abducted from her wedding by a warrior he approved of. But, as he arrived and her husband challenged him to a duel, she prayed to Thor, who threatened her father by striking a tree next to him with lightning.

Unlike the Skírnismál, no messenger was sent and no consent was given, making this an unlawful bride abduction, and Thor interceded to protect His devotee.

Painting by Louis Moe.
Skírnir and Gerðr by Harry Theaker, 1920.
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
An old German folk tale about Thor, from Lower Saxony.
Still trying to find the original source. But I remember it went like this…
In the forests of Thorenwald, a young woman had fallen in love with a man from a nearby village. Her father didn’t approve of him, so they would meet in a sacred oak grove between their two villages. Her father wanted her to marry another man, a warrior from a noble family, with whom he sought to align.
But his daughter and her lover had made up their minds, and announced that they would marry. Unbeknownst to her, her father arranged to have the warrior kidnap her from her wedding, in order to bait her lover into a duel in which he would be gravely outmatched.
The two families met to a tense wedding in the sacred oak grove. As they were taking their vows, the warrior came riding on a mighty Saxon horse, and snatched the woman. Her fiancé drew his sword and demanded he get down and fight him. Before the duel could commence, she threw herself between them and called to Thor for help.
And he heard her.
A bolt of lightning struck an oak tree near where her father stood. He interpreted this as a warning from Thor himself, and didn’t interfere any further. When the wedding rituals were complete, and his daughter and her husband were officially married, the clouds parted. The people of the surrounding villages made offerings to Thor at the charred oak, a symbol of Thor’s love for his people.
2025/01/31 18:53:28
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