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Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
Here is a rather interesting set of breakdowns and reverse engineering from Guido Von List in his "The Transition from Woutanism to Christianity" where he describes various aspects he sees correlated.
It should be noted he was rather Esoteric infleunced and had his own view of history which contained a continual Germanic Paganism called Armanism or Ario-Germanen which was infleunced by Ariosophy to a large degree.
However, given this context and understanding, one can see a lot of granuals of truth within.

This goes to show there has been an understanding of European ethnic connected faith stretching back further than some would want you to believe.
Forwarded from eternalnamenlos
Hail Seaxnēat
Merovingian brooch, 6th century

Merovingi or Merohingii ("sons of Merovech") were one of the establishing Frankish dynasties.
Merovech was the King of the Salian Franks.
They were a Germanic tribe who originally worshipped Woden.
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
卐 Swastika megathread 卍
I’ve said my piece on the swastika, but I thought I’d put it all in one place.

The theory that the swastika is based on the movement of the Big Dipper around the North Star is well established, by René Guénon and Gennady Zdanovich, an archaeologist who studied Arkaim.

While all constellations rotate, including Draconis as noted by Reza Assasi, on a few common variations of the swastika, the four circles align with the position of the Little Dipper in relation to the Big Dipper. Many variations have arms shaped like the Big Dipper.

Although the traditional Germanic calendar only recognizes two seasons, the arms align with the most important times of year for sacrifice: the beginning and middle of the traditional summer and winter.
The equilateral cross also evokes solar imagery. ⴲ
Hail Thor!
Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra

Here is a good devotional song from Anzus Society.


Far away in the star filled night
We fly with the wind beyond all sight
Into the sky like the roaring flame
Shed your skin and forget your name

Hail to the one who hung from the tree
For 9 long nights he swayed in the breeze
To bring forth the secret signs of the void
The lord of the dead the self he destroys

Traveling quick with the spirits and ghosts
Through the village and fringe we pierce every host
Gathering all those secret signs
That create our world as we journey through time

Hail to the 3 who dictate life
How long that we live and how much strife
Favor us now who sing your praise
The keepers of the web please stretch our days

Soar on the wind under full moon light
And the howling wolves fill cracks in the night
This primal force that burns in the soul
Guiding our path under Ymir’s skull

Sit at the foot of the ancient tree
And offer yourself with what your bleed
Water the roots which stretch in the earth
And hold the son who awaits rebirth
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
“A thirteenth I know, if a thane full young
With water I sprinkle well;
He shall not fall, though he fares mid the host,
Nor sink beneath the swords.”
~Hávamál 159, Bellows 

This stanza refers to Ausa Vatni; sprinkling a baby with water, and dedication to a deity.
Art by Christian Krohg, 1899. ᛚ

“Þat kann ek it þrettánda: ef ek skal þegn ungan verpa vatni á, mun-at hann falla, þótt hann í folk komi, hnígr-a sá halr fyr hjörum.”
Sacred Runes
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
A lead swastika amulet found in Øksnes, Norway. 卍
Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
"Yet, heroes, ancestors and landvættir are too often overlooked in modern Heathenry."

This is a very important takeaway.
Other forms of polytheism and Indo-European paganism hold the land spirits, ancestors, and heroes on high regard with their tradtions practice and spirituality.
This is how all European traditions were and should be.
This doesn't mean disregarding the high divine. But that our most direct connection is through the nature around us and our bloodlines.
Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
A little hymn of praise to Woden based on the Nine Herbs Galdr:

Hail Lord Woden, Prevailer against The Nine Black Malevolences!

Glory to He who Hung Holy in the High Heavens,
The Wise Lord who sends Venom-foes to do battle against Glory-fleers!
Praise to He who, with Radiant Branches, smote into nine The Slithering Wyrm,
The Loathsome Shadow that fared over the land.

May The Serpent kill none and find shelter never.
May The Nine Glory Branches that pierce The Adder wax ever in might!

2025/03/07 03:57:54
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