Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
An excerpt from Guido Von List's "The Transition from Woutanism to Christanity"
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Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
Here is a rather interesting set of breakdowns and reverse engineering from Guido Von List in his "The Transition from Woutanism to Christianity" where he describes various aspects he sees correlated.
It should be noted he was rather Esoteric infleunced and had his own view of history which contained a continual Germanic Paganism called Armanism or Ario-Germanen which was infleunced by Ariosophy to a large degree.
However, given this context and understanding, one can see a lot of granuals of truth within.
This goes to show there has been an understanding of European ethnic connected faith stretching back further than some would want you to believe.
It should be noted he was rather Esoteric infleunced and had his own view of history which contained a continual Germanic Paganism called Armanism or Ario-Germanen which was infleunced by Ariosophy to a large degree.
However, given this context and understanding, one can see a lot of granuals of truth within.
This goes to show there has been an understanding of European ethnic connected faith stretching back further than some would want you to believe.