Forwarded from You eyeballing me? 《YEM》 (Perform Nigger Vivisections Worldwide)
Forwarded from Become Ungovernable
Forwarded from ALL YOUR BASE 2 (All Your Based)
Forwarded from 🤡Congregation of Clussy🤡 (🇩🇴 A 2007 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado)
Forwarded from Shadowman311's Manic Musings
Forwarded from Hyperborea FM | Jolly Edition (Saul)
Forwarded from Raven Smiles Reloaded
Enough lovebombing it's time for loveshooting and lovenuking
Forwarded from Raven Smiles Reloaded
You: sending the girl you met 24 hours ago flowers
Me: bringing her the heads of every man who ever wronged her 5 minutes into the conversation
Me: bringing her the heads of every man who ever wronged her 5 minutes into the conversation
Forwarded from So far, so good (Maksim)