Im Gegenzug dazu steht das Philosophieren. Das Problem, das ich mit Philosophieren habe, ist, dass es zu viel Spaß macht, sich nicht festlegen zu müssen und ewig über eine Sache nachzudenken. Es ist mentale Stimulation, bei der man eben Gefahr läuft, dies nur für die Stimulation auszuführen. Beim Pontifizieren legt man sich dabei endlich fest und spricht sogesehen ein Machtwort bzw manifestiert einen Willen. Dabei gibt es dann wieder das Problem, dass dort ein stimulierender Aspekt mitspielt.
Forwarded from Bleiteidiger Music🤌
Rare Death metal post:
The trio of "Pungent stench" are Vienna natives, formed the band in 1988.
These are some hilarious fellas, made me chuckle quite a vew times with their wonderful musical poetry.
Their 1993 album "For god your soul, for me your flesh" was chosen as exemplary, mainly because of the delightfully well composed cover art. It is also quite easy listening, considering the genre, with lots of groove. Enjoy!
The trio of "Pungent stench" are Vienna natives, formed the band in 1988.
These are some hilarious fellas, made me chuckle quite a vew times with their wonderful musical poetry.
Their 1993 album "For god your soul, for me your flesh" was chosen as exemplary, mainly because of the delightfully well composed cover art. It is also quite easy listening, considering the genre, with lots of groove. Enjoy!
Eigentlich verwunderlich, dass Karl V. als mächtigster Deutscher Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, welcher das Reich durch viele Krisen und Kriege manövrierte, Frankreich mehrere Male besiegte, die Osmanen besiegte, den Augsburger Religionsfrieden schuf und auch privat als frommer Mann vor dem Herrn, treuer Ehemann und guter Vater galt, so wenig im deutschen Gedächtnis geblieben ist.
Einfach ein Anti-Lambda/Konsequent frei Artikel auf Postcollapse
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Halal food truck caught snatching pigeons right outside their truck. The power of NAXALT must be broken.
“They’re not all like this”
I don’t care, too many of them are and we don’t need this. You can no longer trust food you didn’t prepare yourself, you can’t get in an uber if you’re a woman, you can’t go into several different areas because they are no go zones for Whites, their children make learning impossible in public schools etc on and on.
Enough is enough it has to stop and no one is going to do the work for us, certainly not the Republican Party.
“They’re not all like this”
I don’t care, too many of them are and we don’t need this. You can no longer trust food you didn’t prepare yourself, you can’t get in an uber if you’re a woman, you can’t go into several different areas because they are no go zones for Whites, their children make learning impossible in public schools etc on and on.
Enough is enough it has to stop and no one is going to do the work for us, certainly not the Republican Party.