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Who is Valeria Zotova?
On 28th June, a Russian court found 19-year-old Valeria Zotova guilty of "preparing to commit a terrorist act" (part 1 article 30, part 1 article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). She will spend 6 years in prison because of the "experiments" that the FSB are performing on people.
According to the investigation, 19-year-old Valeria Zotova from Yaroslavl wanted to set fire to a warehouse that stored "aid" for military personnel participating in the war against Ukraine.
The video of the arrest shows Zotova being pulled out of the passenger seat of a people carrier by masked men. However the other people in the car appear to be left alone.
Before this, Valeria had spent a long time exchanging messages with a certain Andrei, who told her that he lived in Ukraine. In the correspondence he asked Valeria to carry out "tasks". She refused, and showed the correspondence to her mother. After a while, Valeria also began talking to Andrei's friend Karina through VKontakte (Russia’s largest social media site). According to Valeria's mother, Karina never gave her any peace — she constantly wrote and called, encouraging her to commit arson. At the time of the arrest the girl was in the car with Zotova, but did not become a defendant in the case.
Subsequently, this same "friend of Andrei's" turned out to be an FSB agent, and a classified witness. At one of the sessions on the case of Valeria Zotova she openly stated that all this was an "investigative experiment". The FSB decided not to hide their actions, but this did nothing to affect the verdict.
The defence provided the court with obvious evidence of Valeria's innocence, namely the correspondence with Karina, in which Zotova repeatedly refuses to commit arson.
Despite the fact that the court still attached this evidence to the case file and "considered it", Valeria's "punishment" was imprisonment. Instead of the 8 years of imprisonment requested by the prosecutor, the court sentenced Valeria to 6.
On 28th June, the 19-year-old was found guilty of "preparing to commit a terrorist act" (part 1 article 30, part 1 article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Valeria will spend 6 years in prison because of the "experiments" that the FSB perform on people.
Right now, Valeria's lawyer has filed an appeal. Next: contesting the sentence.
In her former life, Valeria worked very hard, with almost no days off. In her free time she painted and embroidered beads. In winter, when she could, she ice skated. Valeria is very fond of scanwords and similar puzzles. She's a cheerful and outgoing girl. No matter what she took on, she always succeeded.
Now Valeria is in Yaroslavl pre-trial detention centre. You can show solidarity and support her by writing a letter! She is always glad to receive them and expresses her gratitude for the support.
✉️ Address for letters:10 Portovaya Embankment St., 10, SIZO-1, Yaroslavl, 150001
Zotova Valeria Igorevna, born in 2003.
📧 It is possible to send via electronic service
How to write a letter to a prisoner if you are not in Russia?
Solidarity zone provides support to Valeria Zotova.
BY Зона солидарности

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