Forwarded from [anywhere] Department of Ferrets, Memetics, Cognitohazards and чіназес (ܛܐܪܩ 🌲☀️🇵🇸)
Wobposting it - and by "it" I mean, haha, well. let's justr say. My christmas peanits
The funny part is that this isn't even totally historically inaccurate...
Anche se effettivamente chiamarli ratti è un insulto a una specie capace di amore ed estrema empatia come i ratti
Forwarded from Evil Hornyposting
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Forwarded from la discarica dei memi™ (puma)
Forwarded from la discarica dei memi™ (Zeta)
Forwarded from la discarica dei memi™ (Zeta)
the great combo of misogyny and denial of homosexuality
Forwarded from مَدونّافريييدا
Prendetevi Salvini ridateci Mangione