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العيد وجَهك وابتسامة محيَاك.
Eid is your face and the smile of your face
أمرأة قوامُها لطيف حَتى أبتسامتهَا تصنع يومَك.
A woman with such a nice figure that even her smile can make your day.
وتَعتقد انَها وردةُ وإنما هَي بُستان من الورودِ.
You think it's a rose, but it's actually a garden of roses.
امرأة متورّده ، تمنحُ العالم حنانهَا بقوة.
A rosy woman, giving the world her tenderness with force.
‏دقيقة بشكلٍ مُفرط، تؤذيها التفاصيل.
Overly precise, hurt by details.
‏دفءٌ عَلىٰ دفء ‏وكأنهّا ابنة الشَّمسُ.
Warmth upon warmth, as if she were the daughter of the sun.
عنيده فاتنه منفرده ولا اشبه احد.
Stubborn, charming, unique, and unlike anyone else.
‏إجعل ما تسعى اليه يسعى اليك.
Make what you seek seek you.
‏أنتِ نادرةٌ ، والحصولُ عليكِ يتطلّبُ معجزَة.
You are rare, and it takes a miracle to have you.
أنتِ الحَياةُ وَ ما دُونَكِ العَدَمُ.
You are life and everything else is nothingness.
2024/10/02 02:24:35
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