– Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! – шепчет шофер генеральской машины, обращаясь к адьютанту генерала, сидящему с ним рядом. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет адьютант, повернувшись к генералу, сидящему за ним. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет генерал генеральше, сидящей рядом с ним. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генеральша генералу. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генерал адьютанту. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет адьютант шоферу. . . . . – Вчера холодного пива выпил, – шепчет шофер.
– Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! – шепчет шофер генеральской машины, обращаясь к адьютанту генерала, сидящему с ним рядом. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет адьютант, повернувшись к генералу, сидящему за ним. – Выезжаем на правительственную трассу! - шепчет генерал генеральше, сидящей рядом с ним. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генеральша генералу. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет генерал адьютанту. – Почему шепотом? – шепчет адьютант шоферу. . . . . – Вчера холодного пива выпил, – шепчет шофер.
BY Анекдоты категории б: избранное
Warning: Undefined variable $i in /var/www/group-telegram/post.php on line 260
The message was not authentic, with the real Zelenskiy soon denying the claim on his official Telegram channel, but the incident highlighted a major problem: disinformation quickly spreads unchecked on the encrypted app. Apparently upbeat developments in Russia's discussions with Ukraine helped at least temporarily send investors back into risk assets. Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko that there were "certain positive developments" occurring in the talks with Ukraine, according to a transcript of their meeting. Putin added that discussions were happening "almost on a daily basis." To that end, when files are actively downloading, a new icon now appears in the Search bar that users can tap to view and manage downloads, pause and resume all downloads or just individual items, and select one to increase its priority or view it in a chat. Channels are not fully encrypted, end-to-end. All communications on a Telegram channel can be seen by anyone on the channel and are also visible to Telegram. Telegram may be asked by a government to hand over the communications from a channel. Telegram has a history of standing up to Russian government requests for data, but how comfortable you are relying on that history to predict future behavior is up to you. Because Telegram has this data, it may also be stolen by hackers or leaked by an internal employee. The perpetrators use various names to carry out the investment scams. They may also impersonate or clone licensed capital market intermediaries by using the names, logos, credentials, websites and other details of the legitimate entities to promote the illegal schemes.
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