i love nuno so much i wish venezuela was real.
Forwarded from Chat con me stesso
Forwarded from Автономна Лірика🕯 (Juan Tkalenko)
This shit fire btw, especially if you like Killer7 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1796580/Sorry_Were_Closed/
Save 25% on Sorry We're Closed on Steam
Sorry We're Closed is an eccentric story-driven survival horror game about demons, angels and what happens when both sides collide. A mix of classic fixed-camera exploration and arcade-style shooting where Michelle must use her Third Eye to see between worlds…
Forwarded from LAIN ON DA PIZZA
Forwarded from digital past
Matte-transparent cyan is the best shell color for anything. The key of it looking good is a semi-transparence. Plain clear shells make an object look cheap. They understood that in late 90s and sealed it in that time period
i hate self commodification i hate self commodification
Leaked admins chat btw
Forwarded from HolyMementi (Greta)
Forwarded from Меменційна Демарня (haj)