Следующее условие прекрасного новогоднего стола – посуда. Например, созданная на Дулевском фарфоровом заводе выдающимся художником, одним из основателей московской фарфоровой школы Петром Васильевичем Леоновым. Более сдержанная, промышленно-народная, как эти образцы 1930-х годов, в которых чувствуется знание Леоновым работ супрематистов, а также текстильных экспериментов Варвары Степановой и Любови Поповой.
Another prerequisite for a beautiful Christmas table is tableware. For example, tableware manufactured by Dulyovo Porcelain Factory to the designs of P.V. Leonov, a masterful artist and one of the founding fathers of Moscow porcelain, that includes moderately colorful works of the 1930s, in which industry meets craft and we can clearly see Leonov’s thorough knowledge of suprematists as well as textile design experiments by Varvara Stepanova and Lubov Popova.
(photos here and below via litfund.ru, sergej-manit.livejournal.com, antiqueland.ru, zen.yandex.ru/curator_ivan, museum-sp.ru, dulevo.ru)
Another prerequisite for a beautiful Christmas table is tableware. For example, tableware manufactured by Dulyovo Porcelain Factory to the designs of P.V. Leonov, a masterful artist and one of the founding fathers of Moscow porcelain, that includes moderately colorful works of the 1930s, in which industry meets craft and we can clearly see Leonov’s thorough knowledge of suprematists as well as textile design experiments by Varvara Stepanova and Lubov Popova.
(photos here and below via litfund.ru, sergej-manit.livejournal.com, antiqueland.ru, zen.yandex.ru/curator_ivan, museum-sp.ru, dulevo.ru)
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Следующее условие прекрасного новогоднего стола – посуда. Например, созданная на Дулевском фарфоровом заводе выдающимся художником, одним из основателей московской фарфоровой школы Петром Васильевичем Леоновым. Более сдержанная, промышленно-народная, как эти образцы 1930-х годов, в которых чувствуется знание Леоновым работ супрематистов, а также текстильных экспериментов Варвары Степановой и Любови Поповой.
Another prerequisite for a beautiful Christmas table is tableware. For example, tableware manufactured by Dulyovo Porcelain Factory to the designs of P.V. Leonov, a masterful artist and one of the founding fathers of Moscow porcelain, that includes moderately colorful works of the 1930s, in which industry meets craft and we can clearly see Leonov’s thorough knowledge of suprematists as well as textile design experiments by Varvara Stepanova and Lubov Popova.
(photos here and below via litfund.ru, sergej-manit.livejournal.com, antiqueland.ru, zen.yandex.ru/curator_ivan, museum-sp.ru, dulevo.ru)
Another prerequisite for a beautiful Christmas table is tableware. For example, tableware manufactured by Dulyovo Porcelain Factory to the designs of P.V. Leonov, a masterful artist and one of the founding fathers of Moscow porcelain, that includes moderately colorful works of the 1930s, in which industry meets craft and we can clearly see Leonov’s thorough knowledge of suprematists as well as textile design experiments by Varvara Stepanova and Lubov Popova.
(photos here and below via litfund.ru, sergej-manit.livejournal.com, antiqueland.ru, zen.yandex.ru/curator_ivan, museum-sp.ru, dulevo.ru)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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