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Merry Christmas
—Matthew 1:21
—Dec, 25ᵀᴴ, 1ᴬᴰ
Today is the day to get together with racial friends & family to celebrate the day 2020 years ago that the Son of God was born; no matter the lies (((they))) say to claim it didn't occur.
—Four Christians all independently calculated the same day for Jesus' birth, Saint Theophilus (176ᴬᴰ), Saint Iranaeus (202ᴬᴰ), Saint Hippolytus (204ᴬᴰ), Julius Africanus (221ᴬᴰ) before the feast of Sol Invictus was moved to Dec 25ᵀᴴ by Emperor Aurelian (274ᴬᴰ).
—Jesus was born in winter, the climate is mild and the Israeli Awassi desert sheep that Jesus was born amongst birth in early winter (Dec).
—Saturnalia was held several weeks prior to Christmas; it's timing being the only parallel makes this completely unrelated.
—Saint Nicholas was a real person (270ᴬᴰ) the Bishop of Myra, Lycia, Byzantine Empire, who was genuinely known for his gift-giving.
—It is fitting that Jesus would be born on the darkest day of the year as His birth ushered into the world the beginning of light.
BY Faith And Folk
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