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I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ☠️
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Forwarded from Æhtemen
These are the dates (and UK times) for the full moons in 2025. I don’t use the common Strawberry moon / Sturgeon moon names etc as these are derived from American Indian culture. Instead these names are derived from Anglo-Germanic sources.

Full Moon date and time

13 January (10.27pm) First moon, Winter moon
12 February (1.53pm) Sol moon, Horning
14 March (6.55am) Spring moon, Lent moon
13 April (1.22am) Easter moon, Grass moon
12 May (5.56pm) Milking moon, Pasture moon
11 June (8.44am) Sailing moon, Fallow moon
10 July (9.37pm) Hay moon, Summer moon
9 August (8.55am) Weed moon, Harvest moon
7 September (7.09pm) Holy moon, Wood moon
7 October (4.48am) Winter moon, Vintage moon
5 November (1.19pm) Blood moon, Blot moon
4 December (11.14pm) Yule moon
Forwarded from Raven Folk United
Wishing you a shinning 10th day of Yule!
Today we honor Sunna, and the return of longer days and shorter nights!

Or Sunna.
By these names she is known. 

Pulled through the sky in her chariot by her horses, Arvaker (Early-Waker) and
Allsvinn (All-Swift). Odin gifted them a talismen, Isarnkol(iron chill or coldness) that keeps them sprayed with cool mist and prevents the heat of the sun from harming them. 

Sunna soars accross the sky bringing the sun. Chased by Skoll, in a game that keeps her on her path. 

Greet the day today and let the sun shin on your face. Be greatful for the warming rays and its power to ensure that life grows and flourishes here in Midgard! 

While at our An Old Time Yule celebration in OK this year, I took part in a greeting the day ritual. Where we sang a song /chant that I will share the link but this is the chant. 

Hail, hail Sunna
Now rising from below
Hail, hail Sunna
Shine bright so we may grow
Hail, hail Sunna
Light up the farthest shore.
Hail, hail Sunna
Stear us forevermore

Rejoice in the lengthening days and the return of the sun today! What a bright future lies before us!

The virtue to reflect on today is Justice. 
Justice is fairness, reasonableness, legitimacy. 

Remember to be fair and just in your dealings. In all things there must be balance. If we act unjust the harmony of the world will demand the balance be struck. It is noble and wise to act just even when our emotions would like to sway us. And justice and its balance goes both ways. Rest assured that those who act unjustly against you will have to face the consequences  when the scales of justice right themselves. Just as the day and night swing back and forth and balance each other, so to must our just actions. 

Hail Sunna!
Hail Justice! 

~Gythia Mills
Forwarded from The Wotan Network

A homeland. A territory for our people. It’s something many of us yearn for. A sovereign place we can be free to evolve and raise the coming generations in peace and security. Both Blood and Soil that is truly ours.

If we learn anything from the past it’s that this will only come at great cost and through great sacrifice. No homeland was ever secured easily. It was always fought for, and the price was always high.

Nothing comes easy. And the more valuable the prize, the more challenging the contest.

Winning a homeland of our own will be a greater challenge than the one our forefathers faced as they set out to rip thirteen disunited colonies from the British Empire, and lay down the foundation for the most powerful nation in the history of the world.

Was it worth it? All of them, to a man, pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. And in spite of their eventual victory, most of them — MOST of them — lost everything. How many of us today are willing to pay such a price for our people and our progeny?

If we win such a prize, securing a homeland will just be the beginning of a long and difficult struggle. Keeping it will be the next order of business, and not an easy one. It will require constant vigilance. A never closing set of eyes always looking for danger, enemies, and traitors in our midst. For it can all vanish like a dream. Many will want to take it away from us. To re-exert soul-crushing control of our people as they do now — with our extermination always at the forefront of their thoughts.

In his “Man in the Area” speech delivered more than a hundred years ago, Theodore Roosevelt spoke words that inspired his countrymen and the world, as he led Americas on the path to their domination of the 20th Century:

“. . .The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause. . .”

The marshaling of physical, mental, and spiritual resources needed for our people to be safe and secure within our own geographic borders — our own nation — is achievable. History has demonstrated with the clarity of a clear mountain lake that it IS possible. The only question that needs to be answered is when our people have decided to make it so.

It’s time we create a new country for our people and our future. It’s time that we finally come home.
Marzanna, also known as Morana, Morena, Mara, and Marena, is the most recognized female goddess among the Slavs, representing winter and death. Due to her associations, she was not well-liked, as the Slavs viewed her negatively because of the hardships of winter, including cold, darkness, and food shortages. Consequently, they feared her rule and held celebrations to mark her departure.
Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
Pagan Revivalism is about being true to yourself. Once one embarks upon the path, one will have purpose, meaning and joy for life flow in their being like never before.

The only regret one has, is why they didn't do it sooner
Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
On dark snowy nights we gather. It is here that the warmth and light of the Gods shines brightest. It is where the torch of ancient faith is brought out into the world once more.

Go forth and give light and warmth to your family, friends and folk. Doing so pleases the Gods, your ancestors and theirs. Our revival is at hand
Baba Yaga is a well-known figure in Slavic folklore. She is a witch who resides in a house that stands on chicken legs and is enclosed by a fence made of human bones. Baba Yaga is known for abducting children to cook them in her oven, and she also preys on adults.
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Poludnitsa, meaning 'half-day' or 'midday,' is a legendary figure in Slavic cultures, known as Południca in Polish and Полудница in Russian. She is a noon demon, often called "Lady Midday" or "Noon Witch," depicted as a young woman in white who roams fields, targeting workers at noon and causing heat-related illnesses or madness.

Linked to the midday star, she is the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa (morning star) and Kupalnitsa (night star). Poludnitsa appears on hot summer days as swirling dust clouds, wielding a scythe or sickle, and engages field workers in tricky conversations, with dire consequences for incorrect answers. She can take various forms, including an old woman or a beautiful lady, and is known to scare children away from crops.

Traditionally, she enjoys dancing and will wake resting girls in the field, compelling them to dance until evening if they agree.
Forwarded from Pagan Revivalism
Revivalism 125

Pius Paganism

What is it to be pious? This concept in Pagan faiths has been debated, but a little etymology can help us out.

Pious in English is, "marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship." No doubt this can be the case, considering the grand temples & sacrifices held in antiquity. But let us go deeper.

The English pious comes from the Latin pius the singular masculine to the neuter, pium. In Latin, pius means "to be dutiful or conscientious."

To be dutiful is, "filled with or motivated by a sense of duty" or "proceeding from or expressive of a sense of duty."
To be conscientious is, "meticulous, careful" or the other definition, "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience i.e. scrupulous." To be scrupulous is, "having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper."

Thus to be Pius to the Gods can be said, "to mindfully follow your duty, by following the dictates of the Gods, like following a general's orders."
Fight Back 🇺🇦
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2025/01/21 10:29:58
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