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Financial sorcery chapter 3 -Core skills

This is my favourite chapter of the book, and probably the most important. Do not skip doing the practices, and do them often/daily until you get a hang of them.

Jason keeps it pretty simple compared to the sorcerers secrets
Meditation. For me the most effective form is repeating a mantra.

Breathing, Jason gives instruction for the vase breath. I have kind of skipped doing this for a while but after working with it. Doing about 5 mins a day and keeping going with this type of breathing it kind of klicked.

To get the most out of the pillar and spheres, do this breathing.

Pillar and spheres. Jason give a simplified version of this compared to his earlier book.
You establish a current with the above and below and then place elements in a alchemical order along the spine.

For more oompf: vibrate IAO in the spheres like you would do in the middle oillar ritual.

Do circulate the energy!

Intelligence gathering! I kind of lack with this as a daily practice, i use p3ndulum, runes or tarot mostly if i need to know what i need to know.

The last point of core skills is altars.
This is a area that i can improve. I tend to have "workspace" and then i keep periodically places on shelves and tables for different dietys and spirits. It would be cool to have a more shrine looking one, with dollies and novena candles crystals and whatnot. I tend to prefer things to look pretty normal around the house.
The only thing I miss from FS chapter 3 about core skills is about creating a sacred space, creating a circle, opening/calling the quarters/elements etc.

I used to be really strict and only do goldendawn styled pentagram and hexagram rites.

Now i have collected a bunch of them. And use them like a different tools for different things.
There is a harsh fullmoon tomorrow.

Step away from the drama. It will be there later but with less intensity of the grand cross.
I am still going to keep writing about and working through financial sorcery. If there is interest.
Working with dreams:

I saw a post somewhere of how Jung worked with his dreams and have started a slimmed down version of this.

Step one: write down your dream in as much details you can.

Step two:analyse it.
I write about the symbolism.

A short example. I had a dream where I took a bus, it stopped in a lush sunny forest in California.
There was a forest path leading to the beach(which i could not see.

There is a lot of unpacking.
But i associate California with the sun, its called the sunny state. The bus is a collective transport, i did not see others in the dream but it indicates moving with a group.

A path in the woods to the beach: the path is there but not a big clear path.

The overall vibe in the dream was very good and the feeling of going to a beach was there.

And so on..
I am working out a new years ritual with elements i have done in the past and have worked for me.

A two step.
Taking stock of all years gone by and letting go and a second step of blessing and getting some positive oomph going into the next year.
Will post details..
New years ritual. ( costomize as you need)

you will need:
Offering such as incense or a Candle (x 2)

Part one of the ritual, taking stock of each year:

Take a pen and a clean sheat paper (maybe a noteboook to write in).
Write down each year of your Life, the last year of the list being this year 2024,

1997 and so on until 2024.

Write down on each year one thing that happened.
A fact or something that you remember. Go through each year chronologically.

Painful memories can arise, losses, traumas and general shitty stuff.
Write something that connect to that year, fact or memory something that connects to that year.

1995 - I was born
1999 - We got a cat
2005 - Had a painful breakup

and so on...

When you are done and have that paper.
Do a zone rite, delineate you space.
Examples of this is The lesser banishing banishing ritual of the pentagram.

If you dont have one I will post a simple Ritual for this last.

After you have created you space and you sit there with your past in your hands.

Call in helpful Powers (feel free to add or remove):

"I call on
Aeon of aeons
My spiritual allies

To help me heal, bless and let go of the past so I can move on towards the future with a lighter spirit."

light offering

"I light this offering to you"

Then take your paper in your hand:
Go through each year, state your intention to bless heal and to let go.

"1995 - I bless, heal and let go of you"
"2024 - I bless, heal and let go of you"

" I am now free to move forward, so mote it be, Amen!"

Close down you ritual space and do something else.
New years ritual part two:

This is pretty straight forward, you can do this the same day, but a bit later after the first part or the next day. ( try to keep both rituals within theesedays Dec 30,31, Jan 1,2)

Have the offering, incence or Candle

Perform opening rite LBRP, or something delineating space.

Light offering to Aeon ( this is God)
Recite the hidden stele

Ask for a blessing, to be uplifted.

"I ask for a blessing, may my spirit be uplifted and joyfyl"
" So mote it be!"
Close your space

Simple protection circle for the new years rites:

1. Relax
2. Stand
3. Say "hekas hekas este bebeloi"
4. Clap you hands
5. Visualize a flame in you heart, let it take a ball shape.
6. Breath out forcefully and expand the ball so it is around you
that you can stand inside it.
7. Take you arm out, point with your middle and index finger, imagine there is a brilliant light at the tips.
8. Draw a Circle around you with this fingerlight and say

"Consecro et benedico istum circulum per Nomina Dei Attisimi IAO, ut sit mihi et omnibus Scutum et Protectio dei Fortissimi contra omnes malignos Spiritus, gerurmque Potestates. In Nomine Dei atissimi IAO"


Visualize the circle decending into the ground, dissapearing:

Say "the circle is open but unbroken, Hekas hekas este bebeloi!"

The first part can be emotionally challenging. Power through!
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2025/01/08 21:44:33
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