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Do a visit to a holy place dedicated to Odin.

Odin memes starts to pop up.

Allfather is pleased!
Doing ritual work, finishing with the words "so mote it be" and a loud thunder bang happens at the same time is pretty neat.

Energy levels impacts:

And so on...

Fix your energy, cultivate your energy and it will improve all areas of your life.
Venus opposite Pluto.
Mars conjunct Uranus and Algol.
=Spicy weekend
Spicy weekend confirmed!
This happened on Trumps MC
If you are into doing Wim hof breathing there is a pretty awesome online app where you can customize your breathing session.
The hard times are here!

After a summer cold i am getting back into the magical groove again.

Things (the shit)are about to become interesting(hitting the fan) and it seems like its the worst Mercury retrograde since sliced bread was invented.

Started working with Ganesha and the goddess Laxmi as a combo again. Reciting their mantras every day.

Ganesh for getting through obstacles.
And Laxmi for wealth.

When I say wealth i dont mean money, but the actual experience of abundance.

Besides that i am doing a longer enochian working.

I need to take stock of the magic that has worked well in the past, reintegrate it and press on the gas.

Ganesh and laxmi is part of that.

Hope you are all doing well!
Do you have a weekly cycle of rituals? Even if you dont specifically work with the planets.

Here is mine.

Monday: this is the day i dont really have a theme for. Just saying hi to Selene or Hekate has gone through my mind.

Tuesday: protection rite.

Wednesday: Mercurial money magic (getting the flow)

Thursday: Jupiterian wealth magic, (expanding the flow)

Friday: love magical, getting things to look nice creativity.

Satur(n)day: Offering and working with ancestors.

Sunday: Health and energy.
Venus has entered Libra.
You have been visited by Mighty Aphrodite! Inspiration, romance and beauty are increased for next 23 days 💚
Comment “Hail Aphrodite!” and share this image to spread Her blessings!
The daily routine.

I am once again fine tuning the daily routine of magical work.

I kind of need to get back to meditation.

Here's how it looks:

Energy work/qigong
A fast banishing followed by a elemental zone rite

A longer project.

And finishing off with drawing a rune.

Then doing Liber resh during the day.
I am thinking about working through a book and posting some notes and thoughts about it.

The book I am thinking about is Jasone Millers financial magic.

I like how it sneaks in stuff like meditation and energy work. I also like does not offer a quick get rich quick but a more thoughtful way on how to approach money and wealth that is more grounded.
Chapter 1 - Perspective.

Key takeaway from this chapter is to take stock of where I am and where my goals are financially.
Chapter 2 of financial sorcery.

Money as spirit.
This chapter goes into the relationship we have with money.

If we cannot avoid it it is best to master it so it does not master us. Jason goes into that money likes to be honored, that it flows and has movement, it does not like being stale.

Jason goes into some examples of how we can waste money on things that does not give value depending on your situation.

A bit in charity- if you give, the universe will open up a way to give back. Money likes to flow

Then there is the aspect of money how it is linked to time. Keep an eye out how much you get in return for your time.

Lastly Jason goes into how money is linked to people around you.
Connections for opportunities, and how getting more money flowing in your life can change relationships.

Overall what i got out of this chapter was to get me thinking about how i relate to money itself.
2025/01/08 01:03:09
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