Далеко не все в 1920-1930-х гг. были готовы к мебели из стальных труб. Карикатуристы вовсю иронизировали над такими изделиями, а Март Стам, запустивший в свое время «консолизацию» стульев, называл подобную мебель «летающими макаронными монстрами». Поглядите на эти веселые картинки Уильяма Хита Робинсона, и мы продолжим…
Not all of the early adopters of modernism in the 1920-1930s were pleased with tubular street furnishings. They were often mocked in cartoons and even Mart Stam, the author of the earliest cantilever chair, referred to them as “flying macaroni monsters”. Take a look at these witty sketches by William Heath Robinson and we’ll continue right away.
Not all of the early adopters of modernism in the 1920-1930s were pleased with tubular street furnishings. They were often mocked in cartoons and even Mart Stam, the author of the earliest cantilever chair, referred to them as “
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Далеко не все в 1920-1930-х гг. были готовы к мебели из стальных труб. Карикатуристы вовсю иронизировали над такими изделиями, а Март Стам, запустивший в свое время «консолизацию» стульев, называл подобную мебель «летающими макаронными монстрами». Поглядите на эти веселые картинки Уильяма Хита Робинсона, и мы продолжим…
Not all of the early adopters of modernism in the 1920-1930s were pleased with tubular street furnishings. They were often mocked in cartoons and even Mart Stam, the author of the earliest cantilever chair, referred to them as “flying macaroni monsters”. Take a look at these witty sketches by William Heath Robinson and we’ll continue right away.
Not all of the early adopters of modernism in the 1920-1930s were pleased with tubular street furnishings. They were often mocked in cartoons and even Mart Stam, the author of the earliest cantilever chair, referred to them as “
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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