This is indeed, a statement that can be trusted and is deserving of complete acceptance. It is a commendable and faithful saying, and worthy of full and universal acceptance. This is indeed, a noble and glorious truth that is deserving of full, total and praiseworthy acceptance and warrenting our eternal praise, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
"In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”
~ Galileo
~ Galileo
My take on the demonic realm and their relationship with AI and supercomputers.
While demons can interfere directly with electronic equipment, they are not infinite like God but finite, therefore they cannot directly control the entire AI-controlled supercomputer system. They can only mess with the system on a relatively limited basis. They will definitely control the entire supercomputer system indirectly by perversely inspiring those who design it and those who operate it, as well as perversely inspiring the atheistic principles that will dominate the world in the last days.
While demons can interfere directly with electronic equipment, they are not infinite like God but finite, therefore they cannot directly control the entire AI-controlled supercomputer system. They can only mess with the system on a relatively limited basis. They will definitely control the entire supercomputer system indirectly by perversely inspiring those who design it and those who operate it, as well as perversely inspiring the atheistic principles that will dominate the world in the last days.
Unbelief is not lack of information. Unbelief is rejection of information.
Unbelief is Satan walking out of God's glorious presence. It is Eve trading the plain statement of God for a subtle misrepresentation of God. It is Israel grumbling at Moses though they themselves heard God's voice. It is the Pharisees rejecting the unmistakable signs of the Messiah. It is men today rejecting what they know, in their heart of hearts, is truth. No man will be able to plea ignorance at the Great White Throne, not even those that lived in the darkest aboriginal circumstances. They all have the testimony of nature and their own conscience. No man is without sufficient witness.
Unbelief is Satan walking out of God's glorious presence. It is Eve trading the plain statement of God for a subtle misrepresentation of God. It is Israel grumbling at Moses though they themselves heard God's voice. It is the Pharisees rejecting the unmistakable signs of the Messiah. It is men today rejecting what they know, in their heart of hearts, is truth. No man will be able to plea ignorance at the Great White Throne, not even those that lived in the darkest aboriginal circumstances. They all have the testimony of nature and their own conscience. No man is without sufficient witness.
The degree of emphasis that the Bible gives a subject and the explicitness of those references are very different questions than whether the subject is true. There is no direct relationship between emphasis and truth or explicitness and truth. The Trinity received no direct teaching in the OT and only a few relatively vague hints, yet the pre-Yeshua rabbis rightly deduced the Trinity from the Scriptures. Truth is truth, even if it receives minor emphasis. Truth is truth, even if the passages only imply and don't explicitly state the point. When men press lack of emphasis or lack of explicitness against a biblical truth, they are arguing rhetorically not exegetically. They are employing ad hominem arguments not hermeneutical arguments.
Forwarded from Carli • Saved by Grace
Law vs. Grace
The Law is perfect:
that is why imperfect men cannot keep it.
The Law is holy:
that is why sinners are condemned by it.
The Law is just:
therefore it cannot show mercy to the guilty.
The Law prohibits;
Grace invites and gives.
The Law condemns the sinner;
Grace redeems the sinner.
The Law reveals sin;
Grace atones for sin.
By the Law is the knowledge of sin;
by Grace is redemption from sin.
The Law was given by Moses;
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
The Law demands obedience;
Grace bestows and gives power to obey.
The Law says do and do not;
Grace says "it is done."
The Law says "continue to be holy";
Grace says "it is finished."
The Law curses;
Grace blesses.
The law slays the sinner;
Grace makes the sinner alive.
The Law shuts every mouth before God;
Grace opens the mouth to praise God.
The Law condemns the best man;
Grace saves the worst man.
The Law says, pay what you owe;
Grace says I freely forgive you all.
The Law says "the wages of sin is death";
Grace says "the gift of God is eternal life."
The Law says "the soul that sinneth it shall die";
Grace says Believe and live.
The Law was done away in Christ;
Grace abides forever.
The Law puts us under bondage;
Grace sets us in the liberty of the sons of God (Rom 12:1)
~ Chuck Missler
The Law is perfect:
that is why imperfect men cannot keep it.
The Law is holy:
that is why sinners are condemned by it.
The Law is just:
therefore it cannot show mercy to the guilty.
The Law prohibits;
Grace invites and gives.
The Law condemns the sinner;
Grace redeems the sinner.
The Law reveals sin;
Grace atones for sin.
By the Law is the knowledge of sin;
by Grace is redemption from sin.
The Law was given by Moses;
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
The Law demands obedience;
Grace bestows and gives power to obey.
The Law says do and do not;
Grace says "it is done."
The Law says "continue to be holy";
Grace says "it is finished."
The Law curses;
Grace blesses.
The law slays the sinner;
Grace makes the sinner alive.
The Law shuts every mouth before God;
Grace opens the mouth to praise God.
The Law condemns the best man;
Grace saves the worst man.
The Law says, pay what you owe;
Grace says I freely forgive you all.
The Law says "the wages of sin is death";
Grace says "the gift of God is eternal life."
The Law says "the soul that sinneth it shall die";
Grace says Believe and live.
The Law was done away in Christ;
Grace abides forever.
The Law puts us under bondage;
Grace sets us in the liberty of the sons of God (Rom 12:1)
~ Chuck Missler
God is the source of wisdom and the supplier of all our wisdom. He is the fountain of knowledge and we should desire to gain understanding, more than much fine gold. It is through the written Word of God that His wisdom is revealed to those that are His... and it is by submission to the indwelling Holy Spirit that we are guided into all truth.
It is not an academic, head knowledge of God's Word that is important... but a consecrated soul whose heart is fully submitted to Him, and whose life is a living sacrifice unto the Lord. And God gives generously to all who seek Him, in faith, and incline their ear to get understanding.
Carli • Saved by Grace
It is not an academic, head knowledge of God's Word that is important... but a consecrated soul whose heart is fully submitted to Him, and whose life is a living sacrifice unto the Lord. And God gives generously to all who seek Him, in faith, and incline their ear to get understanding.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Forwarded from Rippster4Truth (Busy4theLord)
I cannot spell! 😉 Boldy…Boldly!
Boldly Proclaim Truth. Expose Evil! (Ephesians 5:11) 🎥LIVESTREAM CLIPS
"Listen, the only time the church has made any spiritual impact on the world is when the church has stood firm, uncompromising, unwavering, and boldly procla...
I love the KJV. It has been my primary English Bible for over 35 years. It has stood the test of time. It is the Bible of two revivals, many awakenings, the great missionary movement, and the first 160 years of the modern prophecy movement. It is the Bible of the great hymns and many great commentaries. But it is not inerrant in its text and translation. Psalm 119:89 "For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven" does not prove that the KJV is laid up in heaven as the standard. It proves that the original Greek and Hebrew is laid up in heaven as the standard.
May we seek to sow to the Spirit by investing our time, talent, money, material possessions, gifts, and godly graces wisely. May our offerings be carried out in ways that honour the Lord, by ministering to others as God desires so that we may lay up for ourselves spiritual treasure in heaven, knowing that the things of this world will all pass away while the things of value are permanently laid up in heavenly places, for those that love the Lord and walk in spirit and in truth.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
A few principles for interpreting Scripture.
1) No verse can actually contradict another. If you think they contradict, you misunderstand one or both verses.
2) No verse can be understood as an island, unrelated to its context and other passages which touch on the same subject.
3) No word can be assigned a sense which didn't exist in the NT era. The NT vocabulary is Koine Greek used in senses familiar to Koine speakers. NT words can and do take common senses and elevate them (from man-centric to God-centric, earthly to heavenly, temporal to eternal, etc.), but the NT contains no words used in a unique, non-Koine sense.
1) No verse can actually contradict another. If you think they contradict, you misunderstand one or both verses.
2) No verse can be understood as an island, unrelated to its context and other passages which touch on the same subject.
3) No word can be assigned a sense which didn't exist in the NT era. The NT vocabulary is Koine Greek used in senses familiar to Koine speakers. NT words can and do take common senses and elevate them (from man-centric to God-centric, earthly to heavenly, temporal to eternal, etc.), but the NT contains no words used in a unique, non-Koine sense.
Live tomorrow night at 7:30pm CST ~ See you then!
Zechariah Study — Chapter 4
Hey friends. This study will cover the fourth chapter of Zechariah. Most of it will be focused on the two witnesses. We will stray a little bit from the chapter to address WHO the two witnesses are and WHEN they minister.
Rejection of Jesus is an indirect rejection of God the Father, and the one that does not love the Lord Jesus and keep His Word is also one that does not love the Father nor keep His Word. This is because the words that came forth from the Son were commissioned by the Father Who sent Him.
No wonder as the Cross loomed ahead, Christ would say, "The one who does not love Me does not follow My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me."
Carli • Saved by Grace
No wonder as the Cross loomed ahead, Christ would say, "The one who does not love Me does not follow My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me."
Carli • Saved by Grace
When we put the Lord Jesus into proper perspective and see Him for Who He truly is, we should neither fear man nor dread the unknown. Rather, we should rejoice in the God of our salvation who has brought us out of darkness into His glorious light: "For if God is for us who can be against us?"
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
The almost universal circular reasoning of the post-tribbers. I get hit with this several times a week.
POSTIE — Nobody taught a pretrib rapture until Darby.
ME — Here is a pretrib passage from Ephraim the Syrian.
POSTIE — Why are you citing a mere human being? Who cares what the Fathers taught. Show me a pretrib verse in the Bible!
ME — How about Rev. 3:10 or John 14:1-3?
POSTIE — No early father understood those verses that way.
This kind of circular reasoning is dishonest, but error must jump from point to point to avoid defeat. If it stands still on one point, it will get crushed.
POSTIE — Nobody taught a pretrib rapture until Darby.
ME — Here is a pretrib passage from Ephraim the Syrian.
POSTIE — Why are you citing a mere human being? Who cares what the Fathers taught. Show me a pretrib verse in the Bible!
ME — How about Rev. 3:10 or John 14:1-3?
POSTIE — No early father understood those verses that way.
This kind of circular reasoning is dishonest, but error must jump from point to point to avoid defeat. If it stands still on one point, it will get crushed.
God has NOT forsaken His people, Israel, as so many like to teach... but before Christ's Second Coming to set up His earthly kingdom, as great
David's greater King, His covenant nation must repent of their sins and call out to the Lord with the prophetic words, "blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord." They will mourn together for their past sin and look upon Him Whom they have pierced. Israel as a nation will one day recognise Jesus as LORD... and welcome Him back as their God and Saviour.
Carli • Saved by Grace
David's greater King, His covenant nation must repent of their sins and call out to the Lord with the prophetic words, "blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord." They will mourn together for their past sin and look upon Him Whom they have pierced. Israel as a nation will one day recognise Jesus as LORD... and welcome Him back as their God and Saviour.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Paul's defence of the gospel in Corinth and elsewhere is not only a wonderful example for pastors and elders to imitate, but a reminder to all of us to take the faith we have in Christ seriously and to examine ourselves regularly, to see if we have slipped from godly behaviour into carnality or are standing firm on the Word of truth.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
This world is not our home, for we have a heavenly citizenship and a glorious inheritance secured for us in heaven. But every day of our lives is an opportunity that God has graciously given us to use wisely and diligently for His glory, for the victorious life that has been lived wisely and well is the one that has honoured the Lord in thought, word, and deed. May the Lord teach each one of us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts, by faith in Christ Jesus, our Saviour.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace