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💒💍👰Починаємо за годину! Сердечно запрошуємо на англомовний вебінар про міжконфесійні шлюби!
⏰Today, January 31
👩❤️👨Thanks to the personal testimonies of mixed couples and their children we can share the sensitivity and the challenges they are facing in their daily life. Together we will investigate the intermarriage influence on the cultural background, spirituality and authenticity of identity of one partner or both. This will help to create a new perspective of mixed marriages in the era of globalization.
- Massimo Gargiulo, Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies, Rome
- Rabbi Allyson Zacharoff, Congregation Beth Hatikvah, Summit, NJ, USA
- Mariya Khoma, Biblical studies at Ukrainian Catholic University
- Francesco Bianchi, Jewish perspective
- Olena Ivanishena, Ukrainian Buddhist Center
- Cenap Aydin, Muslim perspective
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