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Screencaps from the upcoming Ibn Abd al-Wahhab documentary.

One of our brilliant editors from the amazing MS video team is hard at work on it.
Criticize Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and expect this.

His takfir and call for my neck to be struck is 1000% consistent with the explicit teachings of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
But why would they use a Swastika if they're Jewish? It makes no sense, guys.
One of the distinguishing marks of the Khawarij is that they only fight other Muslims.

This is important for understanding the impact of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's Khariji ideas on the Ummah.

ISIS and other followers of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab will never fight Israel simply because they're not Muslim.

If you want them to fight Israel, you must tell them that Israel has converted to Islam and become Hanafi Ashari.
Locked in.
Do you know why Muslims hate ISIS?

Because ISIS stands for tawhid and rejects praying to the dead!

If I told you this, you would laugh.

Yet this is exactly what Wahhabis claim about their shaykh.

They claim Muslims hate Ibn Abd al-Wahhab because they hate tawhid and want to pray to the dead.

In reality, they hate him for the same reason Muslims today hate ISIS: He mass takfired the Ummah and killed countless Muslims.

Throughout history, the Khawarij always spread the same propaganda: The only reason Muslims oppose us is because we are uncompromising with Islam!

No, Muslims oppose you because you mass takfir and then murder Muslims. Simple.
When Wahhabis stop the taqiyya.
Farid and his associates are night and day calling the likes of al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar, et al., deviant innovators, but if you point this out (and the inevitable takfir it leads to) then it's *you* who is slandering.
Aqida Test for Farid.

Let's see if he hides his aqida.

Remember, aqida testing like this must be done constantly to make sure everyone is on pure tawhid. Wasnt that what that mail man was saying that Farid has been cheerleading for the past months?
For the idiotic followers of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, anyone who does not takfir the entire Ummah and declare jihad on them is either:

1. "an aqida liberal" or
2. "soft on aqida" or
3. "doesn't understand the importance of aqida"
Wahhabis laughingly call Ibn al-Jawzi "Ibn al-Jahmi".

They are waging both a military war against the people of Ahl al-Sunna (e.g., via ISIS), as well as an effort to discredit and destroy every single scholar of Ahl al-Sunna, from Abu Hanifa, to al-Tabari, Bukhari, to Muslim, to al-Ghazali, to al-Nawawi, to Ibn Hajar.
Let me explain to you Wahhabi taqiyya because some are confused about my posts.

Wahhabis are diverse on what they publicly say about Asharis and other non-Salafis.

Group 1 says they are kafir.

Group 2 says they are deviants, outside Ahl al-Sunna (like postman Jake)

Group 3 doesn't openly say except for passive agressive remarks (like Farid)

All three groups are doing taqiyya.

Group 1: they hide the fact that there are also MANY statements from their scholars who also takfir the likes of Bukhari, Muslim, Tabari, etc. If you are consistent, why do you only take seriously the takfir of the Ashari scholars but not other scholars who were later accepted by your manhaj? This is inconsistent.

Group 2: They hide the fact that many of their scholars takfir the Asharis, Maturidis, and their scholars by name. So why do you just stop at calling Asharis, et al., deviant, rather than kafir? Why are you only giving half measure? Is it because you're an aqida liberal? Is it because you don't want to be lumped in with the Haddadis and labeled a takfiri extremist? So you're just cucking on the Asharis to save face and not alienate people? Why don't you man up and cite all the Ahl al-Hadith who takfir the Asharis?

Group 3: they do taqiyya by simply not talking about the issue. They keep silent about MBZ building Hindu temples, about the scholars of the Asharis being kafirs, about everything. They just sit on the sidelines and let others do the dirty work, periodically chiming in with a passive aggressive remark or to cheerlead their friends in Group 2.

Guess what? The era of Wahhabi grifting is over. No more taqiyya. Stop hiding and make your aqida clear 🤣
The best response these Wahhabis have given so far is "hurr but the Asharis takfired Ahl al-Hadith too durrr."


I cited exactly this back and forth takfiring in my fiqh of takfir debate. The point I made was that takfir is an easy weapon. For every single scholar and every single group, you can find another scholar who has made takfir of them. So what? If we go by that standard, there is no one who remains a Muslim!

That's exactly why the great scholars like al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyya, Allah have mercy on them, had the genius to step back and say, this constant civil war has to stop. We need principles for takfir, not just "imam fulan in the 3rd century takfired Abu Hanifa, therefore he's a kafir." They laid out these principles and set a very high bar. They said, we need to have more tolerance and widen the circle.

These are the things I cite and base my positions on. The Wahhabis, however, do not want to widen the circle. They want to cut out Asharis, Maturidis, and all non-Salafi Wahhabis. So they adopt a hard takfir or hard tabdi stance and wield it like a sword against me and others. But they are not consistent with their hard takfir stance and when you call them out on it, they do taqiyya.

Like I said, grift is over.
Wahhabis having a friendly chat. What a beautiful sect full of brotherly love 😍
2025/01/27 04:37:49
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